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RE: The Sun is still rising / Die Sonne geht noch immer auf

in GEMS5 years ago

Good morning @janton,

at first I thought this would be another video of which I have seen so many in the past few weeks, but it isn't. So I have to say thank you :)
From next week on everybody in Austria has to wear a mask nearly all the time apart from at home, but I still haven't heard about zinc here.
Our curve of new infections is already flattening and I think if we all are wearing masks and stick to social distancing and the other measures, our lifes will become more "normal" soon.

Stay safe and healthy my friend.


Oh that is such good news that the curve is flattening. I have heard of 2nd and 3rd waves of infections but I don't know if that is just theory or not. Did you ever check the stores there to see if zinc was available?

All our stores are sold out. Same for Vit D3 and Vit C.

Yes, I have also heard of a second wave which should come a few months after life has become "normal" again, and this second wave should be much worse than the first one, but we will see then, and then we all know what to do.
No, I haven't looked for zinc or the other medications yet. I have told my wife about it and maybe she will look at a pharmacy store today, but I am not sure.
They want begin testing a Malaria medication in some hospitals soon. Maybe it works - at least your POTUS seems to believe that, so why shouldn't Austria give it a try? 😁

Howdy again sir johannpiber! Oh man, I haven't heard that the second wave is supposed to be much worse than the first one! Dang. Lets all move to the country and become hermits.

Like me. lol.

You don't know if your Missus is going to check out the supplements? Why don't you just order her to. lol.

Yes, that Oxychloroquine used in combination with zinc has been used with success over here. Ivermectin, that vetinarians use, has been getting remarkable results too. It may be even better.

That's only what they have said here, but I think nobody really knows what will come.

... because she wouldn't listen to me ;) but she has bought some vitamins today which also have zinc included :)

Oxy... Iver... I haven't even heard these names before ;) That's the negative thing when you are almost never ill and never take any medications - you don't know what might help ;) lol

lol...she never listens to you! There must be a reason for that! She must not need to. lol.

Yes, I had no idea what those things were either until all this broke out. Hopefully neither of us will ever need them. Well the one is for animals but you're half mountain goat so you might qualify. lol.

That's right - she knows why she don't need to listen to me ;) lol
I do hope too that I won't have to need medications, but as said before I'll keep your sayings in my mind and will remember what you have said in case I need to.

Whiskey is also good for self medication. lol.