HIVE community so you can know a little bit more about the man who is behind the keyboard!Hello Brothers! For those who don't know me my name is @jonsnow1983 and today, the day I was born, I couldn't find a better chance to properly introduce myself to the

Introducing oneself is quite the task because we are constantly evolving and shaping up into the best version of ourselves. I was born on May 2nd at 3pm. That day this humble server came into this world alongside many human beings to fulfill his destiny which still I don't know what that is.

My life as a whole has been a literal roller coaster! I've been on the Top and I've been on the bottom. I know what success means and how to get it and I also know how to fail and how I got there, too, yet in the end, the experience, that unvaluable asset which not so many know how to take advantage of is totally there alongside me during this awesome road we know as life.

In my early years I was a normal child like many of you. I have had the luck to have the best mother in the world which surely did her best to shape up the man who is sharing these lines you're reading. I could not say that she failed nor I could say she succeded! Still, I think that every person who shares this battlefield that we call EARTH has everyday, every minute, and every second the chance to settle things out and be the best person one can be so you can make feel your loved ones proud but most importantly. Feel yourself proud!

Over the course of my life I've gotten many skills. I graduated from high school and did some years of college. I was planning to become an attorney but that didn't happen in the end because the young version of me decided to quit it over some vices I had at the time. Sometimes a young fella without the proper guidance is open to make huge mistakes. In the end it is you, me, everyone who decides their own fates, yet a good an determinant advice my change the course of our delicate lives. That's why I highly advice you to listen to your elders and friends with more experience which even though is not naturally acquired by you it could save your life forever! Mark my words on this one.

I have stated on many occasions that I self-learned English. This makes me very proud because back in the day there was no internet. Videogames have been a real delight that up until this day I manage to enjoy. Thanks to them and my curiosity, I took a dictionary and word by word decoded the English language. Thanks to it I'm talking to you right now as it has opened many doors profesionally.

My first real job was as Travel Agent. I super loved doing this task and it became quickly one of my main passions. It gave me the opportunity to know people with different types of personalities. As travel agent, I learned to know in some degree how to code and decode. I worked with systems such a Sabre, Amadeus, and Kiusys. I don't have any clue about coding and programming but being a travel agent would probably give me some edge when I start to learn about it which I'll do. I did this job during 4 happy years. I could say those were the best times of my life so far because I gained a lot of success and popularity among my family, friends, and not so close ones. The popularity part was important to me back then but had a negative side, too. In the end this did not end very well for me and I own it, but that's for another post.

I also have worked as an English teacher/tutor. Speaking another language is certainly a great skill you should have on your set. If it wasn't for English maybe my story would have been different. Having the capacity of having this language has made me able to open many doors. I have also known a great deal of awesome people. I love talking. If you have seen on Discord chats or Twitter you can notice that instantly.

Getting to know so much people has helped to develop something I particularly call "Emotional Intelligence". I don't even know if that is the proper name to call it but I just know or predict inside my mind the true character of a person. Having this "ability" is like having a double edged sword. Why? Because in the past, and I admit this openly, I wasn't the best person in the world. I used suggestion and manipulation in order to achieve personal goals. Humans tend to think only about themselves and no others and I was of those people that overly thought about himself. Yet KARMA is a bitch, and a good one for that matter. Everything wrong I did totally backfired me and I thank God for that. If that had not happened, I'm pretty sure I would have been death by now. I'm not exaggerating on the latter one because in the end I ended up being my own worst enemy, though I did a share deal of damage to other people.

After getting caught by KARMA, which again I'm grateful. I spent two years dealing with my own demons and conscience. I attempted suicide twice with no success because in the end, the real me wanted to live. During those years I distanced myself from people and society I managed to know my true self. I was very stubborn to get psychiatrist help (still am), maybe If had professional help I could have developed quite faster into what I am now! You may be wondering. Is this guy crazy? How he could say such things about himself? Is this guy confessing to his sins so he can be judged by the public? Has he really changed? Well, yes, yes, no, and yes is the proper answer, if not, I wouldn't be telling you this. I don't need to be judged, life made its job on that one. And it did pretty much well, I also was my own judge and prosecutor. In the end I'm grateful. Though I deal with a great share of depression (not lately) I've managed to see some light and adjust. I can clearly say I'm not the person that i was before. I ended up hating the old me, but loving the current one. It was a long and lonely process with no regrets whatsoever. Experience is king in these cases.

Who I am right now?
Honestly. I don't know who I am but I do know that actions describes and give you a quick look about what character is. I'm not a saint nor the devil. I'm just a normal guy that is aware of goodness and wrongness. After all I've lived I have total control of myself and have managed to balance my life and actions towards the bright side. I've done some things to help people, I've done this selfessly because I felt so guilty that I swore that from now on I would try my best to do more good than bad. I can't complaint because RIGHT NOW I feel completely good with myself, I'm what it is called a resilient

What Can I Offer To Hive?
Thanks to the Steem experience before the takeover I've managed to develop in some degree my blogging ways. If you compare my first post ever to this one, you will notice instantly how much I have changed regarding this. To answer this question I'm going to provide a short list of the things I've been able to do for HIVE
- Twitter Hustler
- @peakd Tester and translator
- Some roles at The City Of Neoxian
- HIVE Agitator
- supporter and poker player
- Realness
Among other things. Seriously. I would have loved to contribute to HIVE as an investor but right now the only thing I could do is to promote the hell out of it until my blood gets dry. Being on HIVE (formerly steem) has changed not only my life but the lives of all the people that are somehow struggling in third world countries with bad governments; In my case Venezuela.

About Birthday
Thanks again City!Given that we are on quarantine. I guess I can't do that much regarding my birthday. But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm not having a good time. Thanks to my peeps at @neoxian's city. I've felt the joy of having some really true online friends. All of them have contributed to my happiness on this awesome and special day to my persona.
I want to also thank my friends at @brosgn. We had an amazing afternoon playing some nice and healthy free poker.
And last but not least. I want to thank all my supporters and friends from @votovzla and his biggest supporter @theycallmedan

Thank you once again to HIVE, the GEMS community, @appreciator, @ocd and all the people that have upvoted and supported my content. Thanks to them I will have this delicious cake later alongside my loved ones!
If you managed to get up until this point I thank you. If you are reading this I advice you to never question the nature of your reality but embrace it. The day you start embracing what's real, that will be the day you eill thrive and take your life to the next stage. Live and let live, never do wrong to others, and do enjoy life because is a short one.
Be Real!
I love you HIVE


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I love you HIVE

Nice Happy Birthday
Thanks a lot darling. Even though you're on the other side of the world you managed to make a man happy. Cheers honey!
Happy Birthday @jonsnow1983!
This post has been appreciated and featured in daily quality content rewards. Keep up the good work
Thanks for the honors. Keep up the good fight!
Happy birthday sir!
Definitely nice to get to know more about you through this post and I know I speak for a lot of people when I say I'm thankful your suicide attempts failed. You've got a lot to offer this community and I hope all remains well. Stay strong brother!
My man! A pleasure to see you here. The worst happened long times ago so all great and dandy. We'll settle up sooner rather than later my man. Regards and thanks for reading. I really appreciate it!
¡Vaya! Por fín te veo la cara...gracias por ser tan genial y abierto...imagino la experiencia de vida...un viejo atrapado en cuerpo de joven, pues... Fuerte abrazo..!
Definitivamente una gran experiencia amigo mio. Muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo. Un gran abrazo de vuelta y mil bendiciones.
Excellent stuff Jon! Great to know a lot more about the man behind the phone we talk to so often! This is why I love reading intro posts so much, gives a context to everything. We sometimes can get so lost in chats that we tend to forget that everyone has a back story of their own, that made them who they are. It's nice to once in a while be reminded of this fact! Glad to have made a friend in you Jon, and so many of the Neoxian Discord fellas as well tbh! What a city!
Brother, I really appreciate it the kind words. I'm thankful for getting the best out the wrong. The City, What a City! Regards, champ!
¡Feliz Cumpleaños por aquí jaja!
Gracias mi vidaaaa!
Feliz cumpleaños JonSnow! Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de presentarte de esta manera. ☀️✨🔥
Un honor tenerla por aquí querida. Muchas Gracias!
Bienvenido jon gran presentación
Gracias hermano. Buena vibra para usted. Saludos!
Feliz cumpleaños Jon Snow !
siempre te veo por los servidores de discord.
Y esa Hot girl de la foto ? Madre mía !!! Una verdadera reina de dragones, puro fuego !!
Gracias hermano, un gusto saludarte. Que te puedo decir, no me puedo quejar. En una época estuve rodeado de muchos "dragones" así. Saludos!
Uuaahh! Nice Birthday! When we play poker?😀 Have a nice day Bro!👊
We are at TEamUps champ! Good to see you around.
Welcome abroad! And Happy Birthday!!!
So beautiful! Thanks darling!
The most importante always will be to learn of all.
Welcome, and Happy Birthday!
That's the Joy of living. Thanks for stopping by!
First happy birthday to you. And good to know about your life details. Keep it up buddy.
Thanks for reading mate!
Welcome and happy birthday
Thanks you dear!
Cool post 🙌🏻 😎😎
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Definitely better without a mustache, as we had talked about it, happy birthday you enjoy this wonderful day!
Thanks Carla. You're a sweetheart!
Happy Birthday! 😃