Quiero mostrarle mi tarea creativa de hoy, realice una pecera en un frasco de vidrio.
Hello my hive people.
I want to show you my creative task for today, I made a fish tank in a glass jar.
Frasco de vidrio
Glass jar
Sand (optional)
Lo primero que vamos hacer es pintar debajo del frasco unas ondas azules como si fuera agua, más unas algas.
The first thing we are going to do is paint under the bottle some blue waves as if it were water, plus some algae.
Luego en la hoja dibujamos unos peces, estrella, un caballito de mar, los coloreamos y recortamos.
Then on the sheet we draw some fish, a star, a seahorse, color them and cut them out.
Procedemos pegarle el nailon a cada dibujo y luego lo pegamos de la tapa.
We proceed to glue the nylon to each drawing and then we glue it from the cover.
Al frasco le agregamos arena y la estrella, y procedemos a cerrar el frasco
To the bottle we add sand and the star, and we proceed to close the bottle
Y aquí tenemos una pecera creativa y fácil de hacer.
And here we have a creative and easy to make fish tank.

This is lovely and thanks to you for transferring the knowledge.
Thank you, it is a pleasure that you like my work
Hi @jorgelist, It's another creative work by you. I really believe kids will like these fish tank. They can enjoy with watching paper fish, but small kids trust they're real fish. Absolutely stunning work. I appreciate your whole effort to make fish tank from glass jar.
Thanks for the support