Hello, friends of @gems I hope you are well. It is a pleasure to be here with you again and this time I will share with you a recipe for hydrating our hair that we discovered on one occasion here at home with my mother and my sister since at home we have plants of this wonderful vegetable and we noticed that It has great affection since we use it frequently at home. So say no more and let's get started.
Ahora les mostrare como pueden realizar esta gran receta en 4 sencillos pasos.
Now I will show you how you can make this great recipe in 4 easy steps.
Preparacion // Preparation
- Paso 1 picamos los chimbombon y los vertemos en una olla con 2 tazas de agua a fuego medio por 10 min.
Step 1 chop the chimbombon and pour them into a pot with 2 cups of water over medium heat for 10 min.
- Paso 2 colamos y dejamos reposar.
Step 2 strain and let it rest.
- Paso 3 nos dividimos nuestro cabello y aplicamos nuestro gel, lo dejamos actuar durante 25min envolviendo nuestro cabello con un gorro térmico o en su defecto con una bolsa plástica.
Step 3 we divide our hair and apply our gel, let it act for 25 minutes wrapping our hair with a thermal cap or, failing that, with a plastic bag.
- Paso 4 pasados los 25 min lavamos muy bien nuestro cabello y listo amigos podemos plancharnos el pelo si deseamos.
Step 4 after 25 min we wash our hair very well and ready friends we can iron our hair if we want.

Espero que puedan realizar hidratacion en casa. compartanme su opinion...!!
todas las fotografias son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi telefono Redmi 8A