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RE: Why are new users not sticking around?

in GEMS4 years ago

At the end it all boils down to the fact that the mentality isn't goal driven. Communities play a huge part yes, and I think hive is better than what steem was because the rewards are shared better then before, not perfect but it's a gradual process. I'm not saying hive is perfect I'm only saying it doing gradually well. We probably need to up ante with the SME and the DEFI.
However sorry to deviate. I came to hive or stern knowing nobody I can tell you it boils down to mental strength and patience to understand here. If you want to make money it isn't easy anywhere and hive is no different. Aside that people do not want to add Value. @k-banti is probably one guy I feel he's been throughly consistent how many other people want to constantly do so and build?

I may be wrong man I'm not perfect I just feel it's about the mentality


I do agree it's about mentality. However, we need to make people stay and help them reach the mental level we have. That can only happen via proper orientation via community onboarding schemes.

As an author, I have had a decent run on the blockchain and won't worry about these things but in the long run, it does matter esp to people who have long term plans

Absolutely true, cheers man