Im very excited because today a new member is joining my plant family. Today while I was doing some shopping at the local market, I saw a small space where they sell plants and that little one that you will see here caught my attention, first I asked if I could have it indoors, the answer was positive so I brought it home with me.
Estoy muy emocionada porque hoy está formando parte de mi familia de plantas un nuevo integrante. Hoy mientras estaba haciendo algunas compras en el mercado local, ví un pequeño espacio donde venden plantas y esa pequeñita que verán aquí llamó mi atención, primero pregunté si podía tenerla en interiores, la respuesta fue positiva así que la traje conmigo a casa.

It was quite impulsive because I don't have a big pot, I have some but they are not big enough for it, for the moment I will put it in this small pot and maybe next week I will be buying a more suitable one.
Fue algo bastante impulsivo porque no tengo una maceta grande, tengo algunas pero no son lo suficientemente grande para ella, por el momento la pondré en esta pequeña maceta y quizá la próxima semana estaré comprando una más adecuada.

When I was going to transplant it I noticed its roots, poor plant, it was already asking for more space, plus the roots were dry, meaning that it had spent a long time without receiving adequate water and nutrients. On the other hand, I noticed that the soil I had was sandy, I will have to investigate better because I have black soil, which seems as if it was always wet.
Cuando la iba a transplantar noté sus raíces, pobre planta, ya estaba pidiendo más espacio, además de que estaban secas las raíces, es decir que había pasado un buen tiempo sin recibir agua y los nutrientes adecuados. Por otro lado, noté que la tierra que tenía era como arenosa, tendré que investigar mejor porque yo tengo una tierra de color negra, que parece como si siempre estuviera húmeda.

After transplanting I watered it a little, the pot was actually the same size, it does need a bigger one.
Después de transplantar la regué un poco, efectivamente la maceta quedó de su mismo tamaño, sí necesita otra más grande.

I thought it would look nice next to the front door. By the way, I still don't know what this plant is called.
Me pareció que se vería bien al lado de la puerta principal. Por cierto, aún no sé cómo se llama esta planta.
But it looks like palm tree. ☺️
Yeeees, but it is like small the part of the leaves is very thin
This kind of plant fits well at the entrance as it will give a good look even to take pictures. It from the family of palm tree which grows palm kernel which is used for making palm oil.
I want to search this plant, because it's leaves are very very thin
Yeah they are. But along the line the get broad a bit and then the leaves are used to make brooms. It's very productive
This is a beautiful plants, it's so nice feelings to have something new, believe me dear friend, I know the feelings that's accompanied with joyful, the plants suits well next to the door.
I think I know what the plants is called, the name is, "Palm tree"
Thank you, yes, it looks like a palm tree baby