I want to confess that I have been gaining weight insanely. I have recently moved and changed my eating habits, I have stopped preparing food because I am usually very busy and spend most of my day working.
Quiero confesar que he estado subiendo de peso locamente. Recientemente me he mudado y he cambiado mis hábitos alimenticios, he dejado de prepararme comida porque por lo general estoy muy ocupada y paso la mayor parte de mi día trabajando.

Normally I weighed 51 kilos, in my country body weight is expressed in kilos, but a long time ago I had already gone to the doctor for my check-ups and he said that my ideal weight was around 60 kilos for my size, I am a tall woman. 1.70 cm tall, I had always tried in the past to gain more weight but it was a bit difficult ...
Today, recently I have managed to gain weight very quickly, which is a bit worrying to gain almost 4 kilos in a month I do not think it is something quite normal ...
Normalmente yo pesaba 51 kilos, en mi país el peso corporal se expresa en kilos, pero hace tiempo ya había ido al doctor a mis chequeos y decía que mi peso ideal era rondando los 60 kilos por mi tamaño, yo soy una mujer alta. 1,70 cm de altura, siempre había intentado en el pasado de ganar más peso pero se me hizo un poco complicado...
Hoy, en la actualidad he logrado subir de peso de forma muy rápida, lo cual es un poco preocupante subir casi 4 kilos en un mes no creo que sea algo bastante normal...
I must admit that this is due to my new lifestyle, it is not healthy at all and I was becoming a habit to eat everything on the street and a lot of ice cream because I am a fan of ice cream.
Debo admitir que esto se debe a mi nuevo estilo de vida, no es para nada saludable y estaba volviendo un hábito comer todo lo de la calle y muchísimo helado porque soy fan del helado.

My cheeks have grown fat, they are no longer the same but physically I look good and I can tell you that even my butt has grown quite remarkable, and I tell you that it is quite remarkable because I was not the first to notice it, it was my entire circle of friends and co-workers who have seen me in the before and after.
Mis mejillas han engordado, ya no son las mismas pero físicamente me veo bien y puedo decirles que incluso me ha crecido el trasero bastante notable, y les digo que es bastante notable porque yo no fui la primera en notarlo, fue todo mi círculo de amigos y compañeros de trabajo también que me han visto en el antes y después.
Gaining a little weight in my case is fine but the methods are not correct and reflecting a little bit, I have worried about the increase almost as abrupt in a single month, and it terrified me ... Personally I would not like to become a person fat, it would greatly affect my self-esteem and my health as well, that is why I have decided to make changes in my life regarding my diet and my exercises, I will start soon and I would like to share from time to time all my progress.
Ganar un poco de peso en mi caso está bien pero los métodos no son los correctos y reflexionando un poco, me he preocupado por el incremento casi tan brusco en un solo mes, y me aterró... Personalmente no me gustaría convertirme en una persona gorda, afectaría mucho mi autoestima y mi salud también, por eso he decidido hacer cambios en mi vida con respecto a mi alimentación y mis ejercicios, pronto comenzaré y me gustaría compartir de vez en cuando todo lo progreso.
Dam, insane weight, and that insane beauty lol. Cheers to you and ice cream!
Ice-cream is that one thing that like all humans love almost as much as we all love coffee and beer in almost every country in the world, truly amazing.
Beautiful world, beautiful women. I wish id stacked up on a lot more HIVE at those low prices. Id be flying out and eating ice cream with everyone lol.
Yeah, but never say never. Someday, it can still happen. Think long-term. But hahahaa I get what you're saying and I feel the same.
Yeah @captainquack22 think about long term 👀
Ahahaha yeah, yes yes.
Lol, thank you, ice cream is my weakness 😭😭😭 I just can't fight against... So Cheers!!!!!! 🙊🥂
I used to eat a lot of ice-cream when I was in my twenties, I'm 36 years old now, I've gained weight, lost weight, gained weight, many times, I've had fun.
You've have had fun too, your photos are fun, my favorite GIF here is of you drinking out of the straw, and my advice is to focus on your heart first before anything else. Sometimes, you may need to have fun and eat ice-cream and pizza.
On one hand, don't become super skinny like an imaginary Barbie. Don't become skin and bones. But on the other hand, you don't want to become crazy obese or super fat. Like a little fat or chubby is fun and cute for some people.
What really matters is not if you are skinny or fat but more so if you are healthy. Some fat people are healthy and some skinny people are not healthy. What really matters is whether or not your body has enough of the essential vitamins and enzymes and minerals needed hopefully from the foods you eat.
How much weight you should weigh depends partly on your DNA, your bone structure, the kind of body you have, how tall you are, how wide you might be, each person can be different.
Keeping a diet log would be fun for you to do. I write down what I eat. I keep a little blog, a diary, and I keep track of my progress. Your face is not fat. Your cheeks are not fat. Instead, you have a cute face.
I know we always see very skinny super models on television, on the Internet, in magazines, when we go to a store. But super skinny faces can be dangerous and your body needs some fat.
Normal people should probably have around 5% to 15% body fat. A good number can be around 10%. But some people try to have less than 5% which can be dangerous.
One thing that can help you digest food is enzymes. Exercise, sleep, yoga, meditation, breathing, circulation, using your brain, being happy, etc, can help you not be too unhealthy or too skinny or too fat.
What really matters is not so much how much you eat but more so what is in the foods you eat. The problem many people have is they're not eating organic foods. For example, pizza can be healthy if it is made with whole wheat. Pizza can be made with no genetically modified organisms (GMO). Pizza can be made out of healthy ingredients or unhealthy ingredients. For example, you could grow your own tomatoes and cut them up to make pizza sauce. That is very healthy because it is real tomatoes that were not processed.
Women tend to gain and lose weight more often than men. You're a beautiful woman and you're not fat in the photos I see of you. My advice is to keep a diet diary and to have fun in life. Keep smiling and have a beautiful day. Thank you for sharing your life with the world.
Thank you, I like the way I am right now so I want to keep this way, that's why I will try my best to keep like this ;) hahaha and NOOO I don't want to be super skinny I don't like that, it doesn't look pretty at all and I used to have my own tomatoes plants 👀👀👀👀 and also I want to try yoga, happiness and more exercises 😛
Oh very good. I like that. I think you can keep this way. And you may start to look like your mother, grandmother, other family members, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, relatives, ancestors, other people, someday, and that can be good and/or bad depending on what they look like.
So, when you look at your family, you might be able to see your future, how you might look someday. That can be good or bad. If there are problems with that, you can at least write it down and know about what some of the problems might be for you someday.
Good news is knowing the future means you can maybe try to stop the bad stuff from happening.
Also, climbing trees can help turn you into a monkey, ahahaha. I'm joking but hey, I like climbing trees, very fun.
My family is okay so I'm okay! Hey I like to hike hahaha and do crazy things very often 🤷🏻♀️ I am full of surprises
I love surprising people. Very fun. I'm glad things are ok. Very fun. I'm happy. I'm smiling.
0.100 WINECongratulations, @cryptoaeneas You Successfully Shared With @josehany.
You Earned 0.100 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/2 Successful Calls.
Total Purchase : 24845.318 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE
WINE Current Market Price : 0.270 HIVE
Thank youuu
I have an easy solution if you just split all your yummy snacks with me then you eating half as much 🤗 I would be happy to help
You just want my food right! U think I don't know 😒 that's mine baby!!!! Hahahahaha don't go mad and tie my hands
LOL no I’m just taking half your food because Um I care just like the way the government taxes us!
Hahaha like that? So fuck u then :)
It's my food 👀
LOL then i'll just steal my share when you're not looking
Huh!! Stealing... We will see Che... We will see
Eeeeso! Jiji es un efecto de mudarse, en especial por acá... Incluso yooo he subido de peso, más recientemente en pocos meses subí casi 9 kilos.
Ya que te diste cuenta intenta controlar un poco sijndejar de disfrutar ese place que es comer rico.
Uy sí, casi que por tomar agua uno sube de peso jajajaja qué demonios, pero no hay que descontrolarse para no valer verga más adelante
¡Así es! A cuidarnos de la facilidad de la comida chatarra y las fritangas cada media calle </3
Hoy me descargue rappi y me dieron 20 soles de crédito, así no se puede 😭
Bieeeen, a mi me dieron las gracias cuando lo bajé :v
Jajaja pero a mí me apareció a los días
je je yo tambien soy de contextura delgada y mi hermana tambien, ella nunca había logrado ganar peso, se fue a Perú por una año y gano mucho peso... justo por eso xq ella decía que era mas económico comer en la calle que cocinar en casa y bueno comía lo que le provocaba.
Pues realmente el tiempo me gana, no paso tiempo en casa solo llego a dormir, y todo lo que uno compra es muy rico pero con mucho carbohidratos
Eso mismo me decía mi hermana, "llego muerta para la cama", cuídate mucho madre.
yup you getting phat...
I can see the cushion increasing LOL
I can see that too 🙊🙊🙊
El tema del peso es el común denominador en casi todos. Es sano que te preocupes por tu salud. Excelente post ❤️
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer la publicación, sí antes no solía fijarme mucho en mí y desde que observé lo del peso estoy un poco más alerta