Girls night

in GEMS3 years ago

After these terrible days, I decided to do something different, my cousin's proposal to forget about our problems at least for one night.

Después de estos días terribles, decidí hacer algo diferente, la propuesta de mi prima para olvidarnos de nuestros problemas al menos por una noche.


There was a bar that was opening last night and we decided to go for a few moments and dance a little, I wanted to feel good so I took my time to dress up a bit, I decided on a white dress because I always wear things in color black, for a change is fine.

Había un bar que estaban inaugurando el día de ayer por la noche y decidimos ir por unos instantes y bailar un poco, quería sentirme bien así que me tomé mi tiempo para arreglarme un poco, me decidí por un vestido blanco porque siempre uso cosas en color negro, para variar está bien.


Once we entered the place we were surprised by the number of people there, it was very impressive even we even joked about it we said "So, there is no COVID here"

Una vez entramos en el lugar nos sorprendimos la cantidad de gente que había, era muy impresionante incluso hasta bromeamos al respecto dijimos "Entonces, aquí no existe el COVID"



We stayed for a while, there was an artist whose name I don't remember but in the past he had about two or three songs that were popular about 10 years ago, he sang about 5 of his own songs and the rest covered by artists that are currently playing in the world of reggaeton.

Estuvimos un rato, había un artista que no recuerdo su nombre pero antiguamente tuvo como dos o tres canciones que fueron muy sonadas hace como 10 años atrás aproximadamente, cantó alrededor de 5 canciones propias y el resto cover de artistas que actualmente están sonando en el mundo del reggaeton.

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We sat for a while because it's really not our style of night, there were moments when we danced and sat down again and right in front of our place because we were at a table, in front there was a group of very lively girls, they were like 8 girls, we hoping to be like them one day, hahaha.

Estuvimos sentadas un rato porque realmente no es nuestro estilo de noche, había momentos que bailamos y nos volvíamos a sentar y justo en frente de nuestro lugar porque estábamos en una mesa, en frente habían un grupo de chicas muy animadas eran como 8 chicas, nosotras aspirando ser como ellas algún día, hahaha.


We had a different night, I tried to clear my mind of all the things that affect me but apparently my problems followed me to that place, so after a while we left, I ended up with very sore feet and very sleepy, but now they are small goals, doing more things to clear my mind and feel a bit more ordinary because my whole world has always been linear, I stay in my comfort zone, I'm pushing myself a little further than what life makes it.

Tuvimos una noche diferente, traté de despejar mi mente de todas las cosas que me afectan pero al parecer mis problemas me siguieron a aquel lugar, así que pasado un rato nos fuimos, acabé con los pies muy adoloridos y con mucho sueño, pero ahora son pequeños objetivos, hacer más cosas para despejar mi mente y sentirme un poco más común porque todo mi mundo siempre ha sido lineal, me quedo en mi zona de confort, estoy empujándome un poco más allá de lo que la vida lo hace.


I think you had a very enjoyable day. 🙂 Also, your choice of dress is very nice. Hello

Hey thank you ;)

You're welcome:)

I'm glad you had some time away, even though it seems so strange to be in a crowd of people, haha.

Hopefully if you keep writing about your problems, and doing art, and spending time with friends and family you can help clear your mind a little... it's tough but you're super strong! Your cousin seems very sweet. Hope you had a good night!

Thank you Adam ;) and yes she is super super nice and sweet

Glad you have found a way of easing the stress

My way is actually hiking haha but since I moved and there's no any closer mountain

Ok noted but don't worry I believe you will find another way

me too, i'm open to everything right now :)

Genial amiga que hayas pasado un día fuera de la rutina, te hayas divertido e visitado un buen lugar nocturno junto a personas importantes. La vida está hecha para disfrutarla, gozar, reír, llorar, ser feliz💕

A veces quisiera evitarme la parte de llorar pero supongo que es esencial