How to take photos by yourself // Cómo tomarte fotos a ti mismo.
On this occasion I was that I wanted to take photos but I always have to do it alone and it is difficult for me on some occasions, so I wanted to share the way I do this because it is possible that some of you will use it for your photos when you have no one to help you.

I wanted to take photos of myself on the roof of my house because I think the place looks nice, so I grabbed a couple of boxes and put them on the roof, in fact I have a cell phone holder that I made myself with cardboard, so I know made it easier for my cell phone to be hold to something.
Once I got to the roof I evaluated where I wanted to take the photos and stacked the boxes to have a suitable height and look good in the photos, and on top of these I placed the holder for my cell phone.

To take the photos we can use the timer of our camera and this will give us a few seconds to fix ourselves before taking the photo, I used the timer manually for some photos and I also used an option that brings my cell phone that is that when you show the palm of your hand the phone automatically activates a timer of 3 seconds until the photo is taken, this is perfect when you are at a distance.

And these are some of the photos that I managed to take using the palm of my hand to take them. I have to mention that I still need to refine this because I don't know if I can adjust the focus so that the photo comes out better.

And these other photos that you are about to see I took by placing the cell phone on the floor, yes, I only put it on the floor, but the trick is that it was like a step above this, so this effect gives the feeling as if floor out of glass and my phone was under it.

And that was all friends, how did you like my photos? I had a lot of fun doing them.

Dios mío qué hermosa ♥️😘♥️😍
Epa que brutales las tomas en Contrapicado
El clip de vídeo esta buenísimo. Y las dos fotos antes del vídeo , son las que me gustan. Éxitos !
Sin duda alguna, quedaron geniales estas fotos, los GIF y todo!! 📸🤩💫
Gracias May!!! Te sigo desde youtube desde el 2018
Wow que genial, no tenía ni la menor idea y es un placer compartir contigo por aquí. 👍🤗🥳
Wow, quedaron increibles las fotos, felicitaciones por tu creatividad 😊 Saludos
@josehany las fotos te quedaron espectaculares!! Gracias por compartir con nosotros tus ingeniosos consejos.
Wow nice trics.. Also you are looking so pretty 😘😘
The ones with the leg my favorite ones too. Are you a model by the way?
I'm not and in fact my friends have recommended it to me for years, but I don't know is like 🤭☺️
You should.
You are very charming. I see you are like an actor Lele Pons
Ese video quedo calidad.
Step 1: be super gorgeous
That's not true hahahahahahahahaha
It is in your case 👌🏼