Hello Hello!!
Today I took the time to do something that I have always wanted to do, I had been waiting for this for months, this year I had made many plans that unfortunately were mostly ruined by the covid situation, just this week the government decided to loosen the things with the quarantine and I finally saw my chance and I didn't waste it, it was now or never! Life is today, so I rushed to contact one of the people who does this activity and save an appointment for Friday and here I am, ready to show you everything that happened.
Hoy si me tomé el tiempo de hacer algo de lo que siempre he querido hacer, tenía meses esperando por esto, este año había hecho muchos planes que lastimosamente se arruinaron en su mayoría por la situación del covid, justamente esta semana el gobierno decidió aflojar las cosas con la cuarentena y finalmente vi mi oportunidad y no la desperdicie, era ahora o nunca! La vida es hoy, entonces me apresuré a contactar con una de las personas que realiza esta actividad y guardar una cita para el día viernes y aquí estoy, lista para mostrarles todo lo que sucedió.

First I want to tell you that the activity was in another city, reasons why I could not do it during the quarantine was because I could not go freely. It took me 2 trains and 3 buses to get there, but it was worth everything. I went out on Thursday to make sure I was on time for my appointment on Friday and that's how it was, I couldn't even sleep that day
Primero quiero contarle que la actividad era en otra ciudad razones por la cual no la podía realizar durante la cuarentena era porque no podía ir libremente. Para llegar hasta allá me tomó 2 trenes y 3 buses de recorrido, pero valió la pena todo. Salí el día jueves para asegurarme de estar el viernes puntual a mi cita y así fue, ni siquiera pude dormir ese día
The paragliding was carried out in a rural environment, the place where the activity takes place quite beautiful, here I will leave a selfie so that you can see how the place looked behind me, there was a lot of wind, the conditions for the moment of the flight were favorable.
El parapente se realizó en un ambiente rural, bastante bonito el lugar por donde se realiza la actividad, aquí dejaré una selfie para que observen como se veía detrás de mi el lugar, había mucho viento, las condiciones para el momento del vuelo estuvieron favorables.

Already in the place, waiting to take out all the equipment, a very cute dog appeared, in fact it gave me her leg, it was a stray dog, it had no owner but it was very loving, she was with me all the time I was there, and the craziest of all she accompanied me on takeoff and received me on landing, that's right friends ... Something incredible, a dog who didn't even know me received me with love
Ya en el lugar esperando para sacar todo el equipo apareció una perrita muy linda, de hecho te daba la pata, era una perrita callejera, no tenía dueño pero era muy amorosa estuvo conmigo todo el rato que estuve ahí, y lo más loco de todo me acompaño en el despegue y me recibió en el aterrizaje, así es amigos... Algo increíble, una perrita que ni siquiera me conocía me recibió con amor

Here I am finally ready to put on all the equipment to be able to fly, the helmet felt that I was loose even if I adjusted it too much, it still felt loose but the helmet did not really move in the air, it did its job.
Aquí estoy finalmente lista para colocarme todo el equipo para poder volar, el casco sentía que me quedaba flojo aunque lo ajuste demasiado, lo seguía sintiendo flojo pero realmente el casco ni se movió en el aire, cumplió su función.

Then here I am putting on the rest of the equipment, this is what will help me to sit on the paraglider, it is like a kind of backpack if you look at it from the outside, it is important to make the adjustments well and check well even before going out to fly.
Luego aquí me estoy colocando el resto del equipo, esto es lo que me ayudara a estar sentada en el parapente, es como una especie de mochila si la miras por fuera, es importante hacer bien los ajustes y revisar bien incluso antes de salir a volar.

Ready to fly, now I tell you the funny thing about this, this part of the takeoff depended on me, I am first, in the front, so what I had to do to be able to take off was when the wing was in position to start walk or run, and I had to keep my footing, the purpose of all this was to walk up a cliff, literally throw ourselves off the cliff to be able to fly but it barely positioned the wing and the guy told me now walk, hahahaha, I couldn't stay even stopped I tried take a step and the wind was dragging me backwards, we literally went backwards for a few seconds and I just thought in my head, "oh I screwed up the takeoff" everything happened so fast, I still tried to keep strong to move forward and when finally I did it, the wind took me flying before I reached the end of the cliff.
Ya lista para volar, ahora les cuento lo gracioso de esto, esta parte del despegue dependía de mi, yo estoy de primera, en la parte del frente, entonces lo que yo debía realizar para poder despegar era cuando el ala estuviera en posición empezar a caminar o correr, y tenía que mantener la pisada fuerte, la finalidad de todo esto era caminar hasta un precipicio, literalmente lanzarnos del precipicio para poder volar pero apenas posicionaron el ala y me dijeron ya camina, jajajaja, no pude mantenerme ni siquiera detenida intenté dar un paso y me estaba arrastrando el ala hacia atrás, literalmente nos fuimos hacia atrás varios segundos y yo solo pensaba en mi cabeza, "ay arruiné el despegue" todo sucedió muy rápido, igualmente traté de mantener fuerte para avanzar hacia adelante y cuando realmente lo logré el viento me llevó volando antes de llegar al final del precipicio.

Just at the moment when you grab height, what should be your chair is above your body so it was my duty in the air to accommodate it, I had to lower it and position it so that I could sit comfortable, if you look at this photo you can see it that I wasn't sitting down because it was just at the time we started flying.
Justo en el momento en el que agarras altura, lo que debe ser tú silla te queda arriba de tu cuerpo por lo que era mi debe en el aire acomodarla, tenía que bajarla y posicionarla para que pudiera sentarme cómoda, si miran esta foto se aprecia que no estaba sentada porque fue justo en el momento que empezamos a volar.

The conditions were great and really that was what allowed us to fly and get up very fast and the viewwas amazing
Las condiciones estuvieron geniales y realmente eso fue lo que nos permitió volar y tomar altura muy rápido y la vista era increíble

What did I feel when I was in the air? Well, I thought I was afraid of heights but ... I don't know, Rick. Hahaha, I was not scared at all, it is an activity to enjoy the landscape, the calm, you feel like a bird, I have always said that it would be beautiful to be able to fly and that it will feel a bird, everything above is very calm and the view is wonderful.
¿Qué sentí cuando estaba en el aire? Pues yo consideraba que le tengo miedo a las alturas pero....no lo sé, Rick. Jajaja, no estuve asustada para nada, es una actividad para disfrutar del paisaje, la calma, te sientes un ave, siempre he dicho que sería bonito poder volar y que sentirá un ave, arriba todo es muy tranquila y la vista es maravillosa.

There were moments where I felt that we were going to fall into the void because there were moments where we seemed to descend uncontrollably, that did feel extreme, the first time I felt it if I trembled, it took me by surprise, I could not control my body but the next one I did!
Habían momento donde sentía que íbamos a caer al vacío porque hubo momentos donde parecíamos descender sin control, eso sí se sentía extremo, la primera vez que lo sentí si temblé, me tomó de sorpresa puedo luego las siguientes no, pude controlar mi cuerpo.
We did a stunt that I really regret not having recorded, it was something super cool we were circling in the air quite crazy as if we had been caught in a whirlwind, I really wanted to have that on video from the public view but nobody could record it, well just A stranger recorded them, it was a man who was passing by on his motorcycle at the time we started flying and from above you could see that he stopped and started recording my entire flight, in fact when I landed he positioned himself near us to take the captures quite close, really close, we passed him by his side to land and when I got up to ask him to send me his video he had already left on his motorcycle, a shame, he sure had a good video of my fly in the heights.
Hicimos una acrobacias que de verdad me lamento no haber grabado, fue algo super genial estábamos dando vueltas en el aire bastante loco como si nos hubiera atrapado un torbellino, realmente quería tener eso en video desde la vista del público pero nadie pudo grabarlo, bueno solamente un extraño las grabó, era un señor que iba pasando en su motocicleta en el momento que comenzamos a volar y desde arriba se pudo ver que se detuvo y empezó a grabar todo mi vuelo, de hecho cuando aterricé se posicionó cerca de nosotros para tomar las capturas bastante cerca, realmente cerca, le pasamos por el lado para aterrizar y cuando me levanté para pedirle que también me enviara su vídeo ya se había ido en su motocicleta, una pena, seguro tuvo un buen video de mi recorrido en las alturas.

The duration of my flight was 20 minutes in the air, everything looked super spectacular, the best thing was the view from a natural environment, I think that is what makes it better. My opinion about this activity, it seems to me that it is completely safe, despite being in the sky without seeming to have almost nothing to survive if you fall, hahahaha. But it is a feeling of security that you have that you cannot explain where it comes from, well I felt it, I never thought about fear and I did not have it, I think it is an example that everything is in the mind, if we think good things and we focus on enjoying we will do it, I recommend the activity for those who want to do it.
La duración de mi vuelo fueron 20 minutos en el aire, todo se veía super espectacular, lo mejor fue la vista desde un ambiente natural, creo que eso es lo que lo hace mejor. Mi opinión acerca de esta actividad, me parece que es completamente segura, a pesar de estar en el cielo sin parecer tener casi que nada para sobrevivir si te caes, jajajaja. Pero es una sensación de seguridad que tienes que no puedes explicar de dónde viene, bueno así lo sentí yo, nunca pensé en el miedo y no lo tuve, creo que es un ejemplo de que todo está en la mente, si pensamos cosas buenas y nos enfocamos en disfrutar lo haremos, recomiendo la actividad para el que desee hacerla.

The best of all is that I have a video in the heights, it was recorded with a gopro, in fact I have not finished watching it yet, I will try to use my computer to edit it and join it with the ones I have from my cell phone, and upload it so that you can observe how my trip in the heights was
Lo mejor de todo es que tengo un vídeo desde las alturas, fue grabado con una gopro, de hecho aún no lo termino de ver, trataré de usar mi computadora para editarlo y unirlo con los que tengo desde mi celular, y subirlo para que puedan observan cómo fue mi viaje en las alturas.
Thanks !!
Ni una fotico con el santiago naguara de mala XD!
Cosos mas bellos vale! Jajajajajaj! Se ve que se divirtieron! Genial!
I would never do that. Not even for a million bucks. That dog has attitude though, I tell you-
Hahaha it wasn't so scary !! That dog is pretty awesome
That is really coooool! Dang i wanna try it soon but hopefully i wont die lol love that dog btw
you are not going to die, hahaha! probably ... I'm kidding, lol
Hahaha but still its awesome i dont mind dying lol
Thank you !!!!
Hey excelente!!! Se puede sentir lo fino que la pasaste con solo leer y ver las buenas capturas que sacaste👌 A que parte del pais tuviste que ir para hacerlo?
Fue en el junquito!
I want this so much! But I don't know if I dare!
Do It! You just have one life, enjoy it to the fullest!
You are quite right! I will do! :)
Wow! I love the view, I may be scared at first to try it but I will definitely do it if the opportunity comes
You have the spirit!!!!! You should try it you wouldn't regret
That's when the opportunity comes, I can find it around here. There are many things I would love to try out but they are not found around here
Looks like some awesome views from up there!
You are right!! Some awesome views! You should try it!!! Would you be capable?
Would you ever consider becoming a pilot your self?
Of course!! I've been considering a lot of things to do while I'm alive