Trying new things

in GEMS3 months ago

In addition to this drink I made today with a tea that leaves its pigment in the water, although I actually made a very refreshing lemonade.

Además de esta bebida que hice hoy con un té que va dejando su pigmento en el agua, aunque realmente hice una limonada muy refrescante.


I'm always trying to do things, we all have goals but I see that I'm having a hard time meeting my goals and that frustrates me a lot, and sometimes that makes me fall into a hole where I feel like I'm giving up and I have no mood or motivation to do activities, and I usually stay in bed for several days... And I really need to change that.

One of the things that I set out to do, that I always set out to do and the same thing always happens, something happens!!!! It's to exercise, every year I find myself starting to exercise and suddenly I have other things to do or like what happened to me in 2021 I got injured and that left me a long time of rest, I was 1 year without being able to run and I couldn't even walk fast... It's been 3 years since that and I got tired of being out of action and I think that lack of physical activity has affected me quite a bit on an emotional level because I've been very sad and discouraged, and I remember that when I trained, I was in pain but I had energy and spirit all day long as if there were no problems in my mind.

This week I started exercising at home to see how I was doing but it's been really hard for me. The first day I thought I wasn't going to complete the circuit but I motivated myself to finish, but the second day when I did some more relaxed exercises I felt like I was going to die. I wanted to feel sad but I immediately told myself that it's okay because I had the courage to try and do everything I could, and I also didn't think about giving up because I automatically thought "tomorrow I'll try to make a little more progress on this."

And here I am trying to get rid of bad thoughts and discouragement. I hope that the rest of this year and the next one will really go well for me.

Siempre me estoy proponiendo hacer cosas, todos tenemos metas pero yo veo que me está costando bastante cumplir mis metas y eso me frustra mucho, y a veces eso me hace caer en un pozo donde siento que me estoy rindiendo y no tengo animos ni motivación de hacer actividades, y suelo quedarme en cama por varios días... Y de verdad necesito cambiar eso.

Una de las cosas que me propuse hacer, que siempre me propongo y sucede siempre lo mismo, algo pasa!!!! Es hacer ejercicio, cada año me encuentro empezando a hacer ejercicio y de pronto tengo otras cosas o como me pasó en el 2021 me lesioné y eso me dejó un largo tiempo de reposo, estuve 1 año sin poder correr y ni caminar rápido podía... Ya han pasado 3 años de eso y me cansé de estar fuera de combate y creo que esa falta de actividad física me ha llegado a afectar bastante la parte emocional porque he estado muy triste y desanimada, y yo recuerdo que cuando entrenaba, sí estaba adolorida pero tenía energía y ánimo durante todo el día como si no existieran problemas en mi mente.

Esta semana empecé hacer ejercicio en casa para ver cómo estaba pero me está costando mucho, el primer día pensé que no iba a lograr el circuito pero yo misma me motivé a terminar, pero el segundo día que hice ejercicios un poco más relajados sentí que iba a morir, quería ponerme triste pero inmediatamente me dije a mi misma que está bien porque tuve el valor de intentarlo y hacer todo lo que pude, y tampoco pensé en renunciar porque automáticamente pensé "mañana trataré de avanzar un poco más en esto".

Y aquí estoy queriendo deshacerme de los malos pensamientos y el desánimo, espero que lo que quede de este año y el siguiente realmente me vaya muy bien.


I can very much relate to this, when I am planning to do this but then something happened that it stopped me from actually doing it.

Anyhow, glad to know you are starting again. Its hard but that's just for now, you just have to bear it and i'm sure you can do it. So fighting!

Thank you friend! I'm happy because I have been consistent for now, I need to develop a habit

I also had a goal to lose my extra weight because my body was no longer healthy. I was required by the doctor to have a balanced diet and exercise.I practiced it, but sometimes I wasn't able to do it.I understand your feelings @josehany

Oh friend, I know that feeling, in my case I used to think about that every single day and feeling guilty most of the time