To my dearest husband,
It's our 5th wedding anniversary and your 32nd birthday! Happy Birthday to you and Happy Anniversary to us! 5 years of being married to you has been a beautiful journey, to say the least. You complete me in many ways and compliment me in areas I lack. You're a very amazing person and even though I tell you that every day, I wanna say again, "You're amazing!".
I say this all the time too "I hit the jackpot with you" and I thank God every day for you. Dear, the recent years have been a lil tougher on us as we continue to dig deep and surrender ourselves to His will and guidance for our lives, and through it all, you've been such a pillar of strength, my shoulder to cry on and my great comfort of which I feel like the luckiest person on earth, I'm grateful!
I love how you would have things looked into and when I need to look into it, it's already done. I love how you would come in and check on me when you sense something isn't right. I love how we would always spend time together every night to catch up on each other's day. I love how we would randomly just go into worship and prayer for and with one another. I love how we would spend hours chatting when we're supposed to be asleep, haha! I also love how boring we are to always go back to doing the same things over and over again.
I also love how stupid you can be to always make me laugh (non-stop) at something so random, your lameness is sifu-level, and your annoyance is.... ahhhhh geram nyaaaaa but, I love it.. Your muka serious when you make a stupid joke and do not react to it is so adorable, your "no-teeth-smile" I can stare at all day..... You make our life so colorful and fun! Though we have our serious moments too, quite a lot actually, haha!
All in all, I really enjoy being married to you and love doing life together with you. You're a very understanding, considerate, kind, and generous person. I am very proud of who you've become over the years and seeing how you have grown to be the man you are today, I am thrilled about the many decades we have together. You're going places and I will always be right beside you, cheering you on.
Like I recently always say "Who are you????? MY HUSBAND, I LOVE THIS VERSION OF YOU!!!" The transformation and growth is astounding. Kipidap dear!
Thank you dear, for being you for pursuing what matters the most, God and His heart for you and us. I will always be your faithful cheerleader even when I am not able to, you know with the bit of strength and ability that I have, I am always for you, no matter rain or shine. You're such a blessing to me and to the people around us. You're amazing-lah!
Last but not least, mummy would have been proud and happy you're my husband ❤️
I love you to the moon and back! Let's continue this journey together, forever! Happy Birthday and may your days be filled with God's everlasting love and goodness that runs after you. Cheerrrsss dear! 😘😘😘
Us on his birthday and anniversary just enjoying a beautiful western meal.
I had to take this picture cos he was sharing some stuff and his face looked very serious, which I thought was super cute! haha!
My husband is not accustomed to eating anything that's not 100% cooked. So here's proof that he enjoyed the medium rare steak at Grub by Ahong & Friends.
This is us on 24 February 2018 when we got married. We thoroughly enjoyed this day with our dear family and friends especially those who were with us throughout the years.
This smile! I love this smile very much and until today, I love it when he looks and smiles at me like this.
One thing we treasure is having the Lord at the center of our lives and marriage.
We ended the night with a cake, he said he doesn't want but what's a Birthday without a cake right? Haha so he said, if I want to get him a cake, he only wants Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe. I said, OK! Opened my GPS and went to the nearest Secret Recipe just for him! This pic was taken with a digital candle because he was rushing off to meet his hometown friends so we had to make-do. Nonetheless, memorable!