Perfection is a way, not a place

in GEMS4 years ago

Photo by Nikolay Dimitrov on Unplash

For a long time... I sought perfection in everything I did or considered important, only to see in the end that it was nothing more than a virtual reality, a concept like the horizon or tomorrow. I'm not saying this is wrong, because they are the result of how we see the world in contrast to how the world really is.

"There is nothing in the mind that has not been in the senses before."

The first time I heard this phrase was through a friend. However, I believe that these kinds of ideas are important as a concept because they give us a reason to go beyond ourselves, if there is no tomorrow many of the things we do lose their meaning.

I am sure of one thing and that is that you can always be better and do better what you do and the best thing about mistakes is that you can learn from them. You can consider every mistake as a lesson you can learn or not, but in the last case...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana

I believe more in continuous development, you can set a goal for what you do and decide when to stop. Perfection is a job that never ends.

In conclusion, I must tell you that you can take perfection as an ideal, keeping in mind that you will never be like your ideal, because you are not your ideal. If you remember just one sentence from this post remember that...

"Practice makes perfect."

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