This is what happens when good news starts flowing...
When good things start happening, they tend to beget more good things happening.
Things like new exchange listings beget more new exchange listings... The price runs up and it causes more people to become interested and buy in, thus begetting more price run ups.
Which is more or less what we could be seeing right now.
After that big run up from $.10 to $1.00, HIVE caught the attention of the broader crypto community.
Which means, traders are now watching HIVE very closely.
I stumbled upon a perfect example of that this morning...
Chart Davidson posted this on twitter as it relates to HIVE:
(Source: ~~~ embed:1257666874323677185) twitter metadata:Q2hhcnREYXZpZHNvbnx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9DaGFydERhdmlkc29uL3N0YXR1cy8xMjU3NjY2ODc0MzIzNjc3MTg1KXw= ~~~
He's basing these charts off of fractals and the elliott wave theory, something a lot of traders in crypto tend to do.
Why is this interesting?
You may be thinking... So what Doc, he's putting up some charts with some squiggly lines just like you or anyone else could do on here, what's the big deal?
By itself, it's not that big of a deal, but what it represents is a big deal.
It represents people outside of the HIVE ecosystem paying attention to HIVE.
Which is exactly what we are going to need to happen for HIVE to go on a sustained run.
People outside of our little ecosystem need to become aware of HIVE and they need to start paying attention to it.
And the little example posted above from Chart Davidson shows that they are.
This is great news for HIVE going forward.
Now, we just have to hope his chart pattern ends up playing out, as he's calling for something between $2-$3 on that 3rd wave.
Stay informed my friends.
TA is fallacy, but attention is great!
These charts show exactly two things.
He has no fucking clue what a fractal is and he does not know Elliott Wave Theory.
Yea I was trying to figure out which fractal he was talking about as well. If you click on the link you can see a few of his comments for some context.
And so it begins. Reaching outside the ecosystem is what is needed. I would say that being on the traders radar is a big step.
Hopefully it follows.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Yep, I agree. We need people outside of our little bubble here to know about HIVE.
Totally good news... Although it was pretty messy, the whole situation these past couple months has ultimately been very good for Hive! Hive is mostly a success story (seemingly the first of it's kind too) in the crypto/decentralized movement.
Yep, I agree. In a weird round about way, everything that happened may turn out better than had none of this happened at all. In fact, it probably already has.
Fuck yeah!
Good news for the hive, the strategy is to promote this platform in another ecosystem to attract the attention of new users.
Here we go again, haha!
I like the beginnings of this self fulfilling prophecy.
that is really great steem failed to do that magic but hive is catching some great attention