ESP-ING Los invito a leer esta novela súper interesante (El Retrato de Dorian Gray)~ I invite you to read this super interesting novel (The Picture of Dorian Gray) by @rominar

in GEMSlast month

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Hola queridos amigos. En ocasiones me provoca leer un libro, eso lo disfruto mucho y me relaja, es como apartarme un poco de los problemas de la vida cotidiana. Hoy les hablaré del retrato de Dorian Gray, una novela basada en la historia de un joven de gran belleza llamado Dorian Gray. El temor de este joven por la idea de envejecer y perder su hermosura era tan grande que recurrió a la magia negra, para que las marcas que aparecieran en su rostro con el paso del tiempo se reflejaran solamente en su retrato. Este joven se llenó de gozo por el logro de sus deseo, convirtiendo su vida llena de vicios y placeres sin consecuencias, arrastrándolo hacia su ruina final.
Hello dear friends. Sometimes it causes me to read a book, I enjoy that a lot and it relaxes me, it is like withdrawing a little from the problems of everyday life. Today I will talk about the portrait of Dorian Gray, a novel based on the story of a young man of great beauty named Dorian Gray. The fear of this young man at the idea of ​​growing old and losing his beauty was so great that he resorted to black magic, so that the marks that appeared on his face with the passage of time were only reflected in his portrait. This young man was filled with joy for the achievement of his wishes, turning his life full of vices and pleasures without consequences, dragging him towards his final ruin.


Dorian se horroriza al ver que su retrato había envejecido y su rostro se mantenía joven y hermoso, decide esconder el cuadro. Con el paso del tiempo logra tener una terrible reputación. Cansado de esto decide buscar al pintor para reclamarle lo que había hecho, le mostró su retrato y este al ver lo horrible que se había puesto se sorprendió. Dorian en un ataque de irá termina con la vida del pintor. Tiempo después con la intranquilidad de sus conciencia Dorian decide acabar con eso y busca el puñal con el cual asesino al pintor y rompió el lienzo dónde estaba su retrato, este cae al piso quejándose, al subir los criados encuentran a un viejo en el piso con un puñal en el corazón.
Dorian is horrified to see that his portrait had aged and his face remained young and beautiful, he decides to hide the painting. With the passage of time he manages to have a terrible reputation. Tired of this, he decides to look for the painter to claim what he had done, he showed him his portrait and when he saw how horrible he had become, he was surprised. Dorian in an attack of Iran ends the life of the painter. Some time later with the restlessness of his conscience Dorian decides to put an end to it and looks for the dagger with which he murdered the painter and broke the canvas where his portrait was, it falls to the floor complaining, when the servants go up they find an old man on the floor with a dagger to the heart.


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Les invito a leer esta gran drama, que sin duda nos deja una reflexión sobre obsesión por la juventud y belleza.
I invite you to read this great drama, which undoubtedly leaves us a reflection on the obsession with youth and beauty.


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