¿Como honras tu energía?
How do you honor your energy
Hello my dear friends it is a great pleasure to be back with a very important topic in my personal opinion. I am bringing to you this post about honoring and respecting our self and others; how do you honor your energy?
Asking myself this question the only thing I can question is my own life experience. Because if I go back in time from my D'lorean, I will be able to see the Lizbet of the past. And the following questions inevitably arise: Did he honor me? Did he love me? Did I respect myself? Did he listen to me? Oh yes so many times but many times not and all this arises in order to give awareness to a part of me, which in the past had been sleep.
Of course, before I didn't even have the guts to answer these simple questions to myself. But why? What can I be so afraid of? And of course, like a wave rolling over you out comes "The Truth". Apparently, it is the same feeling of adrenaline that you can experience in any extreme sport.
Undoubtedly, today with a previous preparation to receive that truth I was discovering everything that was hidden. From, my emotional deficiencies, my lack of reasoning, my dissociation or depersonalization, the evasion, doubt about myself, the disrespect, the lack of understanding and the emotional damage to my body.
Wow! So many things that we tuck away or hide but we know they are there. If left unattended they will grow so fast that it then becomes a Nemesis. In addition, fear, depression and doom will become more present.
However, there are so many theories that explain polarity, negative and positive, yin and yang, light and dark. Where, nothing is good and nothing is bad, which becomes wonderful, because you know that everything happens because they are a learning process, in any case they will lead you to the truth.
Por ese motivo arrojo la pregunta ¿De que manera honras tu energía?
For this reason I pose the question: In what way do you honor your energy?
"Que tus palabras no solo sean sonido que emanas hacia la nada, que sea coherente y revitalizante para seguir labrando tu camino"
Honor is linked to respect for someone who has influenced or contributed to your life. And even more honor than to yourself, you have been that transforming energy, courageous and full of vitality. You have the capacity to love, considering worthy of the space in which you find in the now. For this reason and many more, honor yourself in this instant, forgive your mistakes through action.
May your words not only be a sound that emanates into nothingness, but may they be coherent and revitalizing to continue working on your path.
Honor yourself through respect, solidarity with others, singing, the art, creative work, inner work and physical care through nutrition and beauty. As we do this often, the body and spirit yield and make way for new opportunities and higher perspectives. I invite you to listen to how you feel honored and do it, do not hesitate.
Les comparto un video de una de las tantas maneras que me honro. Espero me compartan sus opiniones y también de que manera se honran. ¡Que lo disfruten!
I am sharing a video of one of the many ways I honor myself I hope you share with me your opinions and also how you honor yourself. ¡Enjoy!
Gracias por leer
Hasta el final
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Seria genial
Abrazos de amor
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A big hug with love
Camera: Redmi 8A