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RE: The sixth mass extinction

in GEMS3 years ago

We can take steps such as buying less, reusing and recycling more, transitioning to a plant-based diet, and making sure that what we do use and consume is as sustainable as possible.

These are good points and good advocacy, but these are idealistic. It is not a sustainable goal to advocate people to have a lifestyle more on plat-based diet. It is quite unrealistic. If we look into the data, carbon emission from farmland are also quite high. Carbon emission form our oceans is also high. Natures deterioration is caused not only by our activities, but the natural order of things.

Can we do something about it? Yes. We can find way to make our wastes and carbon dioxide to use. We don't need sustainability. What we really need is a means to regenerative ideology rather than sustainability. We need regenerative concept to combat our pressing issues. We need to strike a balance between progress and nature. It isn't about more inclination towards one, but a goal to find optimal balance between constraints.

Nonetheless, the blog is a worth read. !discovery 15


Thank you for this. Your information and feedback is very helpful😊