Hola hola mi querida y apreciada comunidad gems..! Nuevamente encantada de volver a este maravilloso blog.
Hello hello my dear and appreciated community gems..! I am delighted to be back on this wonderful blog.
Este post es muy emotivo ya que estuve alejada de las redes por motivos personales que me afectaron un poco, pero acá estoy de vuelta con muchas cosas por compartir.
This post is very emotional since I was away from social media for personal reasons that affected me a bit, but here I am back with many things to share.
Nunca es tarde para comenzar de nuevo 😗 nacimos para triunfar y mejorar como personas.!!
Compartiré con ustedes parte de lo que fue mi proceso cuando por cosas de la vida mi ex se alejo de mi.
Entre alegría, tristezas, y lágrimas pude superar lo q estaba viviendo, tuve amistades que nunca me dejaron sola. Compartí con ellos con mis hijas cada día que pasaba era un cambio para mí y pude pensar más en mi que en mi proceso. Siempre Agradecida de Dios por sus fuerzas para seguir adelante.
It's never too late to start over 😗 We were born to succeed and improve as people.!!
I will share with you part of what my process was like when, due to life events, my ex moved away from me.
Between joy, sadness, and tears I was able to overcome what I was experiencing, I had friends who never left me alone. I shared with them, with my daughters, every day that passed was a change for me and I was able to think more about myself than about my process. Always grateful to God for the strength to continue forward.
Espero les agrade este post de superación.! Así que te animo a ver los procesos como cambios para mejor y amarte más 🙂
I hope you like this post about self-improvement! So I encourage you to see the processes as changes for the better and love yourself more 🙂
Beautifully written, your resilience and positivity are truly inspiring. The way you've turned a challenging experience into a lesson of growth is something we can all learn from.