Happy new year friends. I trust I meet y'all doing good.

It is 19 days into the new year already, and at this point of my life, there are little or no form of activities to distract me from realizing and truly seeing the thrill my life lacks. I concluded my NYSC program and returned back home mid-december last year. It's quite unfortunate that where I did my NYSC program isn't an institution I would love to be retained, thus I left immediately after my service year was over. Since I have been back home, I haven't been engaged with much activities. Although at some point I summoned the courage to begin applying for jobs in some companies and offices. Although, it wasn't what I had envisioned for myself prior to now, but I felt seeking for job and getting employed would be another way to distract myself from the reality of the state in which my life is. Not being able to live one's life the way one wants keeps the mind in an unhappy state in which I don't have words to qualify. This has been my life for some years now, if I must admit.
I then sat and thought back to what my life used to be some years back when I was still grinding with Hive and I came to the conclusion that Hive brought my life the most thrill it had. You might be wondering how Hive brought me excitement and pleasure. Here are three (3) brief highlight on ways I find happiness with Hive.
I. Hive helped me to live an interesting life
Anyone who might have known me since I've been around on the blockchain, or have come across my content at any point in time could tell that most of my contents centers on myself and my life. I build the content I share around the activities I engage in, the knowledge I've acquired, or the experience I have pertaining to any aspect of life or career. And at times not all activities of my life I derive pleasure in, or find interesting doing. But as soon as it crosses my mind that I would love to create a content around the activity I'm engaged with, I'll immediately feel encouraged and I'll suddenly derive pleasure and interest in going it. Asides from that, Hive has also helped me seek for interesting activities to engage in, to seek knowledge, experiences, and facts to share. Whereby eliminating boredom in my life and leaving me with an interesting daily life.
II. Hive pushed me to learn new things
This goes beyond the new knowledge acquired from consuming other creatives contents. I mean I've been pushed to source for new knowledge and learn something entirely new. This was as a quest quest for having more interesting contents to share on Hive. I've learnt how to create simple graphics design. This process helped me mastered design software such as Canva and CorelDRAW. I've also learnt how to create and edit video because I was creating video content at some point. This process exposed me into the world of vidoegraphy and helped me mastered the use of video editing softwares and I can even be confident to take up a video editing gig if presented with the opportunity. I've also been pushed by Hive to learn further in regards my career, Electrical/Electronics Engineering. I've had to share some contents pertaining to my career and I needed to be 100% accurate, so studied further. I've also learnt more and new things about photography because of Hive. As a result of wanting to have quality photos in my content, I have learnt how to take and edit photos better. In case you might not know, the first place I learnt about HTML without even realizing was through blog formatting here on Hive.
III. Hive inspired me to get creative
You will agree with me that if 10 different individuals who are skilled in drawing are gathered together to draw the same object, the result of their drawing won't come out looking the same. What will differentiate their result is the creative approach taken by each of the individual, and that is what will make one stand out to be the best. Hive has inspired me and given me a mindset with endless creativity. Trying to create content on the platform often that will consistently catch the interest of other creators has always made me go the extra mile in being creative while creating my contents. Every moment I get to create comes with a new form of creativity, and this has helped to keep my mind and brain in good check, and I love it.
So, if I could derive a way to live an interesting life, be pushed to learn new things, and also keep a creative mind, all as a result of Hive, why wouldn't I be happy? These three major reasons is why I used to find happiness in Hive, and that's why I have decided ro retrace my steps back to where I used to find this happiness and get back on the thrill that comes with Hive.
Although, this doesn't mean I'll immediately become super active on Hive like I/you might be imagining, rather it would be a gradual approach for me to become more active. I'm not gonna lie, at this point I feel like a newbie because it seems like I have forgotten how some things are been done. But I'm believing I'll be able to catch up in no time. I'm glad I picked up myself and I started this journey, "Finding Happiness Back To Hive". Thanks for stopping by.

It's been long (roughly 6years) I've known you through my cousin @starstrings01 even before i got onboarded on hive, and i must confess that you're a very good, kind and great person. Congratulations on the completion of your youth service.
Yes, it's better one lives his life with no thought of being toss here and there by a private or public boss. Hive makes us the boss of ourselve and create numerous opportunities for us to adopt. No time is late to hop on this platform. This is a new year and it's possible to get back on track and gain more grounds on this financial ecosystem.
wishing you the best this period. So far you've gained root on the hive ecosystem over the years before your coming back this moment, i definitely know of a fact that you'll surely sprout again. Congratulations bro 🎊 @k-banti.
Big Boss Daniky 🙌🏽. Thank you for the kind words.
Exactly! With Hive one can be his/her own Boss while still exploring different opportunities.
Yeah, I want to take advantage of this year to set things straight with Hive. I'm also believing I'll be able to catch up once again.
Thanks a lot Daniky
Definitely, i believe you'll catch up and soar so high in your journey ahead bro. Welcome once again my name sake. Have a remarkable moment.
Indeed! Thank you Brother
Brother I believe in you that you would catch up in no time. And yeah these 3 things you mentioned have shown forth in my life during my stay on Hive. It has a way of impacting creativity and learning new things in one's life.
I would advice that the more you put the effort to stay here on Hive, find friends to interact with more often. You would grow faster.
You have been off for a long time so it is understandable if you feel like a newbie, but man you still remain my boss. I wish you the best on your journey.
Thank you for believing in me Brother 💙.
Indeed! I'm glad you can say the same too.
Absolutely 💯. Thank you for that tip. Hive tip 101 👌🏽
Smiles... Please be my Boss this time around and let me be your Boy 😄
Hive truly pushes people to be creative and also friends. The community gives way to creation of new friends and not just limited to your home country but across the work.
Welcome back sir. Happy new year
Thank you Brother. I wish you the same
You're welcome back, glad you didn't forget the goodies here 😊
Hoping to read more from you moving forward.
Have fun!
Thank you Merit.ahama 😊
Yeah, Hive is a place I never forgot despite been away.
It would be my pleasure to put out more awesome content. Thank you once again 😊
Yeah, you're welcome
See as I was so happy to see the title of your post, lol. I'm happy you wrote this yourself and of course no one wants you to be active at a go, just show up more as much as you can and never give yourself any reason not to.
I know we all have our life's outside hive but then I don't think life would be so much fun outside hive now that I've come to know of hive.
I wish you all the best and I hope you can get a good job and also get to be active here on hive henceforth and I don't mind sharing some knowledge with you about what you think you must have forgotten 🥰.
Happy new year Banti, have a blissful year 🤗
Awwnn... really🫠 I'm blushing 🤭. Thank you Hope ❤️
I'm glad I could too. Sure, I'm gonna take it at my own pace and I'll ensure to show up more often.
Amen! Thank you 😊. It would be a honour 😃. You'll be my go-to person if I need help with anything around 😉. Thank you
Thank you. I wish you the same Hope ❤️
Yes, really 😊
I'd be expecting to see you around more often then 😉
Sure! I'd gladly love to help, hehe
You're welcome and thank you too Banti ☺️
Welcome back! As you've mentioned, it's a gradual process, and I'm confident you'll bounce back even stronger. Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Thank you Sam. Thank you for joining your confidence with mine.
Thank you. I wish you the same brother