Friends of hivers I send you a huge hug and may God shower endless blessings on your homes
Mi nombre es katherine agra tengo 32 años y soy del estado aragua, venezuela .. soy la mayor de 5 hermanos apesar de ser gemela porque nací primero que mi hermana.
Actualmente estoy felizmente casada, mi esposo se llama Junior y tengo 2 maravilloso hijos, mi hijo mayor se llama Alejandro y tiene 7 años y la menor se llama Lucia y tiene 3 años.
I want to share with you a little about myself, my family and what I am.🌼
My name is Katherine Agra. I am 32 years old and I am from the state of Aragua, Venezuela. I am the eldest of 5 siblings despite being a twin because I was born before my sister.
I am currently happily married, my husband's name is Junior and I have 2 wonderful children, my oldest son's name is Alejandro and he is 7 years old and the youngest is called Lucia and she is 3 years old.

my parents are called Damaris and Rafael, they are my greatest pride, my example to follow have instilled in me values, principle and to be a good person with humility but above all things to believe in God.

Creo en Dios y siempre soy muy positiva y llena de bendiciones... 😘🌼💖
I am a very happy, honest woman and I was characterized by being very kind, humble and very creative.
I believe in God and I am always very positive and full of blessings... 😘🌼💖
**todas las fotos son tomadas con mi teléfono HUAWEI Y6II
D.Buzz is a great place for you to freely express what you want with our microblogging platform. Feel free to make an introduction post and let the community know who you are. 🐝Welcome to Hive @kathe23! 😃 You have a very beautiful family, i hope you find it to be an enjoyable journey into the communities here 😊 Warm greetings from @dbuzz, cheers! 🥂
Muchas gracias.