For the last few months I have been experimenting the rooftop growing methods, like growing vegetables/herbs/fruits etc at the terrace. I love eating self grown vegetables because these are the only organics and pests free means most hygenic.
But this time I wanted to grow them on terrace,inspired by someone else who have a huge vegetable garden on his terrace and he has been doing this for a decade.
As this was my first time growing on terrace, for the first batch I chose some green herbs like mints,basil, celery,parsley,coriander,spinach.
Some of them produced really well, and some are still producing.My bad I forget to capture them when they were live and in full growth.
Celery: I was surprised with the production of this herb actually. Initially I planted in as single pot but right now I have more than 5 poly-pots of celery growing.
I didn't grow celery on my own before, so I realized celery starts flowering to early.
I also have few pots of parsley, another culinary herbs.But their grown is too slow unlike celery.Also I made a mistake here planting them too dense.
This one is my favourite,mint.It is also growing well. The pot is too small so I will be reporting it very soon.
Coriander- another favourite culinary herb that grows very well. I always grow coriander on backyard,but this is first try in a pot.It grows well in a pot too.The picture is not good because it's just remainings.
I also grew some tomatoes and spinach in a pot but they are all finished.I also have couple of berries already started flowering about which I will make another post later.
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