Another Audiobook Completed

in GEMS2 months ago

I'm 14/27 parts through on my first audiobook and I edited and prepared another audiobook to have it ready to release when this one is finished.

If Anyone Wants To Check Them Out, Here's The YouTube Channel

The Blender buildings are coming along nicely too so that image should be ready in time to release the complete uncut first story.

The Blender Stuff

My idea is to create a landscape map, add all of the buildings to it and get them positioned and scaled correctly.

Then, with them all in place, I'll add in a few moving elements, lights moving along skyways, the odd better-detailed ship moving overhead, maybe even a few speeders passing through along the lower levels, as well as a few lights on buildings pulsating.

Essentially I'll have a 3D map of the world these stories take place on so there'll be a visual of some kind for people to check out while the story plays through.

The New Audiobook

This one turned out so much better than the first. There were a few hiccups along the way, but I was able to sort them out and re-render the whole thing without using up too many credits.

Now, I have enough credits for 1, maybe 2 stories and I have one ready to go now which should be good.

Each of the three stories not only takes place in different parts of the city but also revolves around wildly different situations, which is pretty good.

I'm really happy with how things are going so far. The videos on YouTube haven't done well view-wise, but on tiktok, each one has received between 200 - 6,400 views and I'm sitting at around 70 followers there, while on YouTube I'm sitting at around 6 subscribers.

All in all, it's going pretty well and it's only been 8 or 9 days and I'm in it for the long haul with no shortage of content to share so we'll see what happens over the next few months.