It's always nice to get some more fiction writers on here. There are some amazing communities on Hive in general, but some great ones that are solely based around creative writing.
The World Building Community - There are daily and weekly prompts released here that focus on fantasy/ sci-fi worldbuilding but can also translate to DnD too. Their prompts have helped in many ways to inspire me and help flesh out aspects of my world that I didn't think about.
The Ink Well - Are really good if you have a self-contained short story in a single post. You'll get a lot of great feedback here, which has been pretty valuable in helping hone my skills.
Scholar and Scribe - This place is great if you have serialised content you want to share, and they're a pretty cool community in general.
There are others, but I thought I'd share these three so this comment doesn't become too long.
Welcome to Hive.
Thanks for letting me know of these communities, it is such a great help
I'm glad I was able to help out, it took me a few weeks to settle in properly when I first joined here, and even now I'm still learning stuff.
Also, when you say you wrote on another platform what one was it?