Hola comunidad Hive. No sé si desde dónde me leen, celebran los carnavales, aquí en mi país Venezuela todos los años en el mes de febrero lo celebramos, es una tradición muy bonita pero sobre todo divertida, colorida y creativa, tan creativa que podemos disfrazarnos de lo que queramos. Es aquí dónde entra mi historia, tengo un hijo de ocho años y pues los niños son quienes más se emocionan cuando se acercan éstas fechas.
Hello Hive community. I don't know if from where you read me, you celebrate carnivals, here in my country Venezuela every year in the month of February we celebrate it, it is a very nice tradition but above all fun, colorful and creative, so creative that we can dress up as anything we want. This is where my story comes in, I have an eight year old son and children are the most excited when these dates approach.
Normalmente siempre he comprado los disfraces, voy a una tienda y le pregunto cuál le gusta y se lo compro. Pero en los últimos tres años me ha tocado improvisar porque a mi pequeño genio se le ha ocurrido disfrazarse de personajes los cuales han sido difíciles conseguirlos en cualquier tienda.
Normally I have always bought the costumes, I go to a store and ask him which one he likes and I buy it for him. But in the last three years I have had to improvise because my little genius has decided to dress up as characters that have been difficult to find in any store.
Entonces el primer año en que comenzó con sus ideas, me dijo que quería ser un astronauta y me puse manos a la obra, ya les he comentado que me gustan mucho las manualidades y pues estaba emocionada al comenzar a crear éste disfraz. Pero realmente en lo que tenía que centrar mi atención era en el casco del astronauta porque realmente era lo que necesitaba construcción, ya que lo que se me ocurrió para el traje era una suéter y un pantalón blanco. Entonces agarré la mayor cantidad de cartón que tenía y comencé a darle forma, una vez que tenía ya la forma del casco, comencé a forrarlo con una tela blanca y los detalles los hice con cartón y pintura, los logos que iban en el traje los realice también con cartón y pintura y para pegarlos al suéter les coloqué un cierre mágico y listo, para su oxígeno utilicé una caja de cereal, dos botellas de plástico y una manguera que encontré de una lavadora 😅.
So the first year he started with his ideas, he told me he wanted to be an astronaut and I got to work, I have already told you that I really like crafts and I was excited to start creating this costume. But really what I had to focus my attention on was the astronaut's helmet because it was what I really needed to build, since what I came up with for the costume was a sweater and white pants. Then I grabbed as much cardboard as I had and began to shape it, once I had the shape of the helmet, I began to line it with a white fabric and the details were made with cardboard and paint, the logos that went on the suit were also made with cardboard and paint and to attach them to the sweater I put a magic zipper and ready, for his oxygen I used a cereal box, two plastic bottles and a hose that I found from a washing machine 😅.
This was the final result.
He was happy at his party with his friends and I was even happier to have granted his wish.
I thought that everything would stay there, until the next year my little genius came up with another brilliant idea and this one cost me a little more, I had to start everything from scratch and I had no idea how to do it, he told me he wanted to be Vegeta from the anime Dragon Ball and ayyy my God, I started late, I remember that to take him to his school party, I had to wake up at dawn making that costume, because everything was last minute, and I needle and thread, more cardboard and paint and there I was trying to fulfill another ingenious desire of my child. I made the costume from scratch, a blue fabric I had and I sewed it by hand believe it or not, well, the big hair I made it with cardboard and paint, it was not so complicated.
That's what my brilliant genius looked like and I was happy to see him happy.
But things did not stop there, the following year he had another great idea, I think he was already making it a tradition and his brilliant idea was that he wanted to be the MineCraft character Herobrine, oh my God I did not know what he was talking about, but researching and seeing pictures I got down to work and with a cardboard box and paint I began to recreate his idea.
This was the result.
It was fun because the kids recognized him when they saw him but the adults didn't know what the costume was about, they were like me when he told me about this character hahaha.
Bueno hasta ese año quedaron esas brillantes ideas, pero sigo aquí en alerta máxima cada año por si se le ocurre otra y yo feliz de darle vida a sus divertidas y brillantes ideas😍.
Well until that year those brilliant ideas remained, but I'm still here on high alert every year in case he comes up with another one and I'm happy to give life to his fun and brilliant ideas😍.