Random Art #1

in GEMS2 years ago


These are just random arts that I decided to do while practicing with my new tools.

Photo taken using Tecno Spark Go.

I was thinking of changing my cover and profile picture. It went horribly wrong as the colors didn't blend as good as I was expecting resulting to cropping half of my art.

The blending on the hair did good though but not as good as I want so I was thinking of using a different paper for the next art.

Typewriting paper 70gsm,
Brutfuner Oily Color Pencils

Photo taken using Tecno Spark Go.

From my Splinterlands art post to the art above, I wasn't able to get the desired color depth of my art. All I get is a useless gloss and glare on the art which gave me a hard time when taking photos of them.

Here, I tested if paper has a BIG effect on the art and color pencil and got a positive result. In this one, I've used an Oslo paper, which is a bit rough hoping the pigments would stick btter resulting in better color blending.

This is also a practice for reviving my old style and merging with my new. Not yet perfect but I think you can see it in the hair.

Oslo Paper,
Brutfuner Oily Color Pencils.

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  • Other sources that I do not own are cited under their respective photos. Photos and drawings without cited sources are mine and made for this post.
  • Animated Banners and Dividers are edited in Canva Pro.
  • Some of the fonts used are from instafonts.io
If I seem to forget to cite other sources, this would be unintentional. Please leave it on the comments below to be added in the post. Thanks.

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