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RE: Massive Hive Problem

in GEMS5 years ago

This just comes back to polling the community for what it would like to see offered as a product/service, for instance adding a hide button for old posts and allowing users to pay with Hive currencies to hide that old post or update it.

As for the other issues mentioned, this is where the decentralized nature of the platform makes certain decisions/actions difficult. Who is going to be responsible for X funds/operations? Why should they be there? Furthermore if a group of people work together and are effective at what they do as a unit they are going to be monetarily incentivized to maintain productive relationships and resist change unless it enhances the results/rewards. With that said, a decentralized entity is still a great place for an individual, it just means that groups of individuals need to compete with other groups of individuals. This competition is a good thing like businesses competing to sell similar products to a consumer, it’s just under the decentralized entity this looks more like two departments of the same corporation competing to more effectively market products to the same consumers rather than different companies ie, we all work together as a community under the same banner but we are all still in competition with one another.