Bienvenidos una vez más a mi blog queridos amigos, esta vez quiero dedicar esta canción a esos ex que regresan arrepentidos y pidiendo cacao después de habernos hecho tanto daño, porque según ellos recapacitaron y se dieron cuenta de sus errores, hoy quiero dedicarles a todos ellos esta canción de Liz, llamada "Es muy tarde". Ya que dichos ex tuvieron su tiempo para reconocer sus errores y recapacitar, pero no, ellos prefirieron seguir su camino, lastimosamente a mitad de su recorrido se dieron cuenta de que las cosas no les salieron como esperaban y trataron de devolverse.... pero saben que? YA ES MUY TARDE!
Welcome once again to my blog dear friends, this time I want to dedicate this song to those exes that come back repentant and asking for cocoa after having hurt us so much, because according to them they came to their senses and realized their mistakes, today I want to dedicate to all of them this song by Liz, called "It's too late". Since these exes had their time to recognize their mistakes and come to their senses, but no, they preferred to continue their way, unfortunately half way through their journey they realized that things didn't work out as they expected and tried to return.... but you know what? IT'S TOO LATE!
Disfruten del cover! nos vemos en un próximo post!
Enjoy the cover! see you in the next post
✔ Todas las fotos y el video fueron tomados por mi Samsung galaxy j2pro
✅All photos and the video were taken by my Samsung galaxy j2pro
✔ Todas las fotos fueron editadas por la aplicación PHOTOGRIP
✅All photos were edited by the PHOTOGRIP app
✔ Use el traductor Deepl para traducir el post al inglés
✅Use Deepl Translate to translate the post into English