Greetings to all the hive family, today I want to show you what I did with some recycled cans, I made some candle holders, so don't throw away the cans of sardines or tuna as they can give you another use.
Latas de sardinas o atún
Un clavo
Un martillo
Cans of sardines or tuna
A hammer
Para convertir estas latas en unos posas velas, solo vamos hacerle unos agujeros con un clavo y martillo u otra herramienta con la que se les haga más fácil.
To turn these cans into candle holders, we are just going to make some holes in them with a nail and hammer or another tool that makes it easier for them.
Miren como quedaron y muy fácil de hacer.
Look how they were and very easy to do.