in GEMS5 years ago

The previous blog that I wrote was about how recent youth protest in Nepal went violent. But I was wrong. The news circulated that day after the protest was ended. The youths that were taken to custody was treated well where police asked and investigated with them in polite and respectful manner, offered them food, didn't seized their phone while being in custody. They were only being violent because the retarded politicians told them to instigate the riot because they can no longer bear the protest outside their house. Indeed it will be a matter of shame for these politicians.

Politicians can confiscate the job of police if they aren't seen following their order. There are so many cases where true Nepalese Army including woman has lost their job because they didn't salute the corrupted politicians in meeting or they caught their drunkard, addicted son for violating many rules. The protest today was finished peacefully. As expected everyone followed social distancing, no violent actions started like previous. You can see the softer side of Nepalese police force from the following pictures:





We have Official Facebook group targeted to inspire youth across the country to come for protest and one of the member told to bring flower to Policeman and Policewoman so that it would serve peaceful purpose of their protest. Their enemy is not with these police forces rather with corrupted Prime Minister, President and their political party. It indeed went well.





This is what Police do when you turn on the National Anthem Song. The police were ordered to remove the crowd from the street but someone played Anthem song and Police can't go violent when your national song is being played. You must stand with pride and dignity till the song finished. The aftermath was amazing, there were no riots, no violence and everyone went their home. There will be protest going on unless demands of youths are met.