For most of my life I've been skinny looking, imagine a stick figure.

I'd never really seen any point in fitness and when I was younger I didn't ever think it would bring me anything of value. I was that one tall lanky kid in your class that talked with everyone🙃.
Back in those days I wasn't chasing after girls like a bunch of other dudes my age. I was awkward af, the type of guy to go up to a girl and ask her out even if we had never, spoken before. The fact I hung out with the kids that did music didnt help at all.
You see, in my highschool there was a social hierarchy. For those of you that don't know imagine a ladder with people sorted into different rungs based on your position in society and this is how it ranked from the bottom up.
Normal kids (your average joe)
Footballers/soccer players for those of you who are american (the elite)
This was how the whole system worked. But of course there were outliers, like those among the normal kids that somehow managed to have girls falling at their feet. Otherwise if you were a musician you would literally be keeping the v card for life.
Normal kids had it hard, imagine a traditional american movie with the american football player getting all the girls he wanted well that was exactly what happened. These football players were getting all the women when us normal kids were struggling hard (yes I'm considering myself as normal) and it was more than strange because a lot of these kids were complete airheads.
So this left me wondering after I left high school
what is it that makes these footballers so desirable to women?
And I thought about it for a while. Could it be their unbelievable intellect?
Well no because they didn't have that
could it be their amazing personalities?
wait what personality
What i eventually came across was the fact that, for some reason, these footballers had a boatload of confidence.
So I then wondered how they came across such confidence.
Through what I have observed, I realised that the kids that played football at my highschool were literally excellent at it. No one could play better than them unless they had an innate talent for football. These kids also got results when playing, they won almost all of the games they played. It would seem then, that talent and excellence in a domain gives you confidence. this is a simple mathematical formula that cannot fail (don't trust me I'm terrible at maths)
I came up with a genius idea: Get excellent results (keep in mind this isn't the same thing as becoming excellent) I decided I was going to get a six pack by any means.
I started my journey looking like this: June 2020
some people will think this is ok but for me I just wasn't happy with it I was too thin and I didn't like it. And body image impacts your confidence. The solution was to Change it
So I worked hard on my body for 8 months straight. It wasn't an easy commitment by any means but I stuck with it. I would work out more or less every, single, day I had a goal and I was going to achieve it.
This is what I look like now:
After this transformation I realised that what I thought about the footballers is true. If you get results and excell in a domain you will be more confident. It's not just feeling more confident. You will exude confidence and people will feel it.
Your life will change for the better if you become excellent at something
Since the transformation I've been getting a lot more attention from girls. But this may just be because I'm more confident and not necessarily because their view on me has changed🤷♂️