Hello everyone, You know, sometimes you have to accept fate. As you can't do anything against nature. The whole world is fighting against the pandemic Coronavirus. But you know what in this situation if you have simple fever people take very negatively.
Sorry guys, I have been sick since yesterday. Yesterday, I had a terrible headache. I couldn't work. I took medicine and tried to sleep. But many things were coming to mind. I was thinking about my future. I recently completed my master's degree in mathematics. I suppose to be looking for jobs. But because of the pandemic I couldn't. And I don't know when this will end. As I am from a middle-class family, it is tough for me to stay home without doing any jobs or something to support my family.
But I am fortunate that I am working on hives and earning some penny to support my family. Still, it's a long way to go. Yesterday I was talking to @galenkp about my fishing experience. I had some great memories. So I would Like to share one of the experiences that I Won't forget in my life.
Once I was fishing with my cane pole suddenly I pulled something, oh my god it was a baby tortoise. And I rescued him very carefully from the hook. And I looked at the baby tortoise, it was looking so cute. I took it to my home and started taking care of him. And make a small tortoise house for him. And it becomes one of my best friends. Whenever I went to the tortoise, it started to play with me. Life was going so fast. 5 months later, it became young. I was very happy with him. But after a few weeks, I lost him. I didn't know what happened to him, but I was terribly upset. I really loved him.
This morning when I woke up, I wasn't feeling well. So I decided to rest. And the whole day I was sleeping and taking my food and medicine. Pray for me. That's all for now.
Thanks for reading and getting here, see you in the next post. You can give me analysis by commenting underneath. Your analysis will be an inspiration for me.
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Secret love thoughts (Boys talks)

So sorry about your health, you are healed in Jesus' name.
The biggest issue is that Worry can also make you unwellHi @linco - Stay well and strong.
Eat well, drink lots of fluids and exercise when you can.
Thanks for the suggestion man!
Hello @linco
I hope you feel better soon.
The COVID 19 presents in very different ways for many different people.
The best thing is to look after yourself and to make sure that you practice deep breathing,
I too was not well and even went and got tested, the test came back negative which was a relief, but I also knew that I had health and fitness on my side and watched a few videos on breathing deeply and making sure that my lings were good :)
Most people just develop mild flu like symptoms,
Take care of yourself and try not to worry :)
Thanks man! I am feeling lot better in this morning.
I'm glad you shared this story in a post, I was going to suggest it but it's way cooler that you decided to do so of your own accord. I have also been feeling unwell, but mine is stress related I think. I'll be ok, and I hope you are better soon also.
I was sick for the past few days. I am feeling a lot better today. Yesterday, I was looking for something to write, and I thought, why not share my story in my blog that I shared with you. So I wrote it down and shared it. Get well soon, man! We have to continue our fishing conversation.
I will, and I hope you feel better too.
I am feeling lot better now. Just having my morning coffee, and relaxing.
That is good to hear. Gather your thoughts, be at one with yourself, and prepare to deploy an amazing day. That's the best anyone can hope to do.