Celebrating Women's Day with colleagues

in GEMS12 days ago

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Bienvenidos a mi blog


On March 8, International Women's Day was celebrated, but my workplace had not been able to hold a celebration to honor all women teachers, who struggle every day to be better every day.

El 8 de marzo se celebró el día internacional de la mujer, pero en mi lugar de trabajo no se había podido realizar una celebración para honrar a todas las mujeres docentes, que cada día luchan por ser cada día mejor.


Today was held this sharing that had been planned for several days, where it was agreed to collaborate with whatever was within their reach. For many people today, which is the 14th, they had not yet been paid and it was difficult for them to collaborate.

Hoy se realizó este compartir que ys se venía planificando desde hace varios días, donde se acordó colaborar con lo que estuviese a su alcance. Para muchos hoy que es 14 todavía no habían cobrado y se les dificultaba poder colaborar.


The truth is that after the students were dismissed, we received what some of the teachers brought to share. I decided to make a garlic and cilantro dip since I didn't want to complicate my gas problems and I decided to do something quicker. I also brought some bread to go with this garlic cream.

Lo cierto que después que se despacho a los estudiantes, se recibió lo que algunos docentes trajeron para compartir. Yo por mi parte decidí realizar un dip de ajo y cilantro ya que por problemas del gas no quería complicarme y me decidí por algo más rápido. Además de llevar pan para acompañar con esta crema de ajo.



Other appetizers were eggplant antipasto, crackers, hand cheese, fried arepitas that were accompanied with the creams they brought, as well as soft drinks and juices.

Otros aperitivos fue antipasto de berenjena, galletas, queso de mano, arepitas fritas que se acompaño con las cremas que trajeron; además de refrescos y jugos.



The idea was to share and have a different time and get out of the work routine. Many did not want to participate because they had not collaborated. However, they were told that it was a time of sharing and that it did not matter, that the important thing is the union in the collectives.

La idea era compartir y pasar un rato diferente y salir de la rutina laboral. Muchos no quisieron participar; porque no habían colaborado. Sin embargo se les hizo saber que era un rato de compartir que eso no importaba, que lo importante es la unión en los colectivos.


Although the celebration was for women's day, we invited a colleague who joined all of us and enjoyed it as well. Even the cleaning staff, we shared.

Aunque la celebración era por el día de la mujer, invitamos a un compañero que se unió a todas nosotras y también disfruto. Hasta el personal de limpieza, compartimos.


For me it was a different day, accompanied by dancing and lots of laughter. We agreed to celebrate Mother's Day and that all those who did not want to participate could join us. These meetings are necessary to strengthen bonds of friendship and companionship.

Para mí fue un día diferente, acompañado de bailes y mucha risa. Acordamos celebrar el día de las madres y que se puede unir todos los que no quisieron participar. Estos encuentros son necesarios para fortalecer lazos ya sea de amistad o compañerismo.

I bid you farewell and see you next time
Photographs are my property
Translator used Deelp
Collage made with GridArt

Me despido y nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad
Fotografías son de mi propiedad
Traductor utilizado Deelp
Collage realizado con GridArt
