Saludos de vuelta aquí con ustedes activándome, les traigo un pajarito que vi en unos de los tantos cursos que, he hecho en mi vida de manualidades, tejer con lana, macramé, dibujo y pintura, cerámica entre otros no soy la mejor, pero trato de aplicarme espero le guste aquí les dejo esta entrega, será hasta la próxima.

Ahora procedemos amarra por la mitad con pedazo un hilo cada grupo de hilo de lana conformado por 20 hilos cada grupo, a continuación, cola grupo de hilo de lana rosado luego el grupo amarillo haciendo una X se amarra en el centro ver figura luego se hace un redondo de papela se coloca dentro y se unen las puntas colocando el grupo verde y uniendo todas las puntas y se amarra subiendo en la bola de papel para hacer el cuerpo y se moldea haciendo presión se amarra nuevamente, se cortan dos trozos de alambre de dos centímetros y se moldean las dos patas y se colocan con la pega de igual manera cortamos del foami negro los ojos se pega y así mismo el pico con el foami y se pega. Listo terminado el pajarito de colores para la foto.

Greetings back here with you activating me, I bring you a little bird that I saw in one of the many courses that I have done in my life crafts, knitting with wool, macramé, drawing and painting, ceramics among others I'm not the best, but I try to apply myself I hope you like it here I leave this installment, it will be until the next time.
>Materials we use to make the colored bird:
>3 Rolls of Wool
>1 Roll of green wool
>1 Roll of pink wool
>1 Roll of yellow wool
>1 Rule of 30 cm.
>1 Piece of black foami
>1 Piece of orange foami
>1 piece of fine craft wire
>1 scissors
>1 Transparent paste
>1 sheet of paper
>First we cut 20 wool threads of 30 cm each, taking the measurement with the ruler.
>20 threads of green wool
>20 pink wool threads
>20 yellow wool threads
> Procedure to make the bird see step by step images
>Now we proceed to tie each group of wool thread in half with a piece of thread made up of 20 threads each group, then glue the group of pink wool thread then the yellow group making an X is tied in the center see figure then it is done A round piece of paper is placed inside and the ends are joined, placing the green group and joining all the ends and it is tied up in the ball of paper to make the body and it is molded by applying pressure, it is tied again, two pieces of wire are cut from two centimeters and the two legs are molded and placed with the glue in the same way we cut from the black foami the eyes are glued and likewise the beak with the foami and glued. Ready finished the colored bird for the photo.