🌻Mis flores favoritas.🌻// 🌻My favorite flowers.🌻

in GEMS4 years ago

Siempre me gustaron mucho las flores... Pero en especial había admirado por tanto tiempo una clase en específico, las veía en todos lados; en fotografías, pinturas, paisajes, tenía tantas ganas de tener una. Un día fui a la casa de un amigo, pasamos a su patio y ahí estaban...una planta llena, repleta de esas flores hermosas que tanto me gustaban, girasoles. Para mí son como la representación del sol, llenas de vida y color, de inmediato mi amigo vio como con tanto entusiasmo observaba la planta, tomo un par de flores y me las obsequió, dijo que podía plantarlas en mi jardín.... Como no sé mucho sobre plantas, busque un tutorial para aprender a plantar, entonces lo hice con ayuda de mi mamá, pasaron quizá unos 3 meses, hasta que comenzaron a formarse las primeras flores, fue larga la espera.

I always liked flowers very much.... But especially I had admired for so long a specific kind, I saw them everywhere; in photographs, paintings, landscapes, I wanted so much to have one. One day I went to a friend's house, we went to his backyard and there they were...a plant full, full of those beautiful flowers that I liked so much, sunflowers. For me they are like the representation of the sun, full of life and color, immediately my friend saw how enthusiastically I was looking at the plant, he took a couple of flowers and gave them to me, he said I could plant them in my garden..... As I don't know much about plants, I looked for a tutorial to learn how to plant, so I did it with the help of my mom, maybe 3 months passed, until the first flowers started to form, it was a long wait.



Pero valió la pena. Una vista así merece la espera.

But it was worth it. A view like that is worth the wait.✨


Son mis flores favoritas y me llena de mucha satisfacción haberlas plantado yo misma... Se siente como dar vida, y de hecho es así, porque ellas necesitan de cuidados y mucha atención, es otra vida, tan necesaria para nosotros, como nosotros para ella.🌻✨

They are my favorite flowers and it fills me with great satisfaction to have planted them myself.... It feels like giving life, and indeed it is, because they need care and a lot of attention, it's another life, as necessary for us, as we are for it.🌻✨
