What Is Christmas Reminding Us Of? (Originally Written By Me)

in GEMS3 years ago


Merry Christmas, family!

Now, let's explore!

  1. Christmas reminds us of Jesus’ sacrificial life that made the whole world proud of Him today. Decide to make the world proud by taking the right steps always

  2. Christmas reminds us of the great impact Jesus had on the earth. It was so superb that the earth is yet to recover from it. He contributed so much on the earth and affected billions of people positively. Decide today that you will also impact the lives of people positively.

  3. Christmas reminds us of Jesus’ kindness. You should be kind too.

  4. Christmas reminds us of Jesus’ peaceful living. You should live peacefully with everyone too.

  5. Christmas reminds us that Jesus did not discriminate. You too must love everyone equally and never discriminate also.

  6. Christmas reminds us of Jesus’ meek and humble nature. You should decide to be a meek and humble person too

  7. Christmas reminds us of how Jesus loves pleasing God. You should decide to be committed to pleasing God too.

  8. Christmas reminds us of Jesus’ zeal to see the Will of God accomplished on earth. You should decide to be zealous about bringing to pass the Will of God wherever you found yourself.

  9. Christmas reminds us of how Jesus died to set us free from sickness. You should hence decide that you won’t be sick again by faith in what Christ has done already for you.

  10. Christmas reminds us of how Jesus contributed deeply to ensure peace reigns on earth. You should be determined to contribute peace to the earth too.

  11. Christmas reminds us of how Jesus cared deeply for the hopeless and helpless and sick and poor. You should decide to show genuine care for the helpless and hopeless of the world too.

  12. Christmas reminds us of how Jesus refused to fall into the tempter’s temptations. You should be determined not to fall into the tempter’s traps of temptation too.

  13. Christmas reminds us of how Jesus chose to please God than to cut corners and take glory prematurely. You should decide to prioritize pleasing God above anything else on earth.

  14. Christmas reminds us of how Jesus lived a pure perfect and sinless life. You should be determined to live a pure perfect and sinless life too.

  15. Christmas reminds us that Jesus is coming back again to take His saints to heaven. You should therefore be determined to walk intimately with Jesus so you can be part of those who will be with Him for eternity.

In conclusion, Christmas should empower us to reciprocate the love received. First and foremost, we received God’s Love in Christ Jesus. It is beautiful to reciprocate this Love by giving ourselves fully to the LORD too. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. He saved the world from sin and death. Hallelujah!