Hello @mikefundz! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself - congratulations and welcome! I've seen a number of people joining lately, saying that @tykee showed them how the Hive community works - that's wicked awesome!
Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities. I see you already found GEMS, and you might be interested in these as well -
HiveHustlers (community for entrepreneurs)
Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide should be helpful to you, as it is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.
Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.
Since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.
OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!I'm sure @tykee will continue to help you as you begin your Hive journey, but if you have questions, feel free to hop into the
I am consistently running events about hive.

Hundreds of people will join hive with my influence.
@tykee, while I know you're not completely responsible for the actions of those you onboard, please try to keep an eye on them and make sure they aren't committing abuse as soon as they join. Like @hamanni, who was just tagged by Hive Watchers for plagiarizing at least 4 of his posts since joining less than a week ago -
I am not aware he has been plagiarizing. Sad to hear that. I warned him.
It's quite unfortunate, I am very new here and was very happy. Though, I had it in mind where I quoted them to accredited them, but I forgot to do so. Am very sorry for my ignorance. I do hope I would be forgiven.
I promise you and the entire community it will not happen again. I shall be very careful this time.
I love this community very much, please, kindly help me. God bless you as you called me to order. @traciyork.
Thank.Please, do not blame @tykee on my mistakes, he is not responsible for this. It was my fault I forgotten to accredit those guys I referred during my write up.