Drive to the lake. Water lilies

in GEMS5 years ago

Drive to the lake. Water lilies. It's so nice when you can sit by the shore, feed the ducks, look at the sailboats. I love this kind of rest.
This weekend we went to the sea, took a lot of photos, I will share them with you later. And we went to this lake last weekend. The trip was spontaneous. We went for a walk, and wanted to walk to the lake, which is not far from our house, but then we saw a bus that was going to the lake to which we eventually arrived. Travel by bus is free of charge, it's so nice to get something for free nowadays, it is clear that the head of the city worries about the inhabitants of the city and does good things.
I liked the lake. There are many yachts, beautiful nature, you can plunge into the lake, if it is not cold, of course. And I also like these jugs, while the flower itself is not yet there, probably not yet the time for water lilies to bloom. Although if you look closely you will see white flowers. More flowers may be blooming soon.


Nice pictures 😊