3 Important life lessons to learn from a Cat [Say Hello To Sydney]

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

When my cousin gave me this cat as a gift two years ago, it was the most beautiful creature with a small fave and limbs, and when she crept up into my lap, it was a completely new experience for me. And I've been in love with her ever since. SYDNEY is my best friend in everything, despite the fact that she has broken numerous things in my house, including my sister's new phone, which my sister now despises. I consider myself fortunate to have her support and to have learned from her.


The Lessons I learned From her

Set Clear Boundries:

I am my parents' third child, yet my parents and siblings never cross my barrier. However, I have witnessed many people in my life who try to cross my boundary without my consent, and as a result, I have become depressed and emotionally overwhelmed.

But I learned from her to make clear boundaries, such as if she doesn't want somebody to touch her, she will never let them, she will scream, and she even bit my brother once when he was bothering her. By seeing her, I've also established my limits, which I don't allow anyone to cross.


This is the ideal lesson that SYDNEY has taught me. I used to be very undisciplined in my early teens, sleeping late and waking up late and skipping meals, but now that I have SYDNEY, I see that she is very disciplined, even though she is an animal; she eats when she is hungry, sleeps when her body is tired and gets a perfect night's sleep, and she litters in her own pot. She is also incredibly disciplined, and I am quite proud of her.
Even now, I am more disciplined in my life; I eat when I want, get adequate sleep, and live a disciplined existence. And I'm more active than I was before, which is the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Let The People Know You Love Them:

Her best quality is that she expresses her affection for me. It generally happens after I've been out for a while, somewhere, and when I get home, I find her waiting for me at home, roaming under my legs as I walk, and most often in the morning when I'm sleeping, she climbs on me and begins squeezing herself on me. Then we both cuddle up to each other. It's nice when someone shows that they care about you. And it's the most wonderful sensation imaginable.


My Introduction





Excelente reflexión los animales son muy inteligentes ven la vida de una manera tan sencilla sin complejos y solo viviendo el presente, esa es otra lección que tambien como humanos deberiamos tener siempre presente, gracias por compartir tu reflexión

Thanks for reading, and sharing your wonderful view, Indeed "animals are very intelligent, they see life in such a simple way without complexes and only living in the present" and I really liked that point of view to.