Hi. I hope they are well and without that virus.
Today I want to show you a little of my favorite photos from a photo shoot I had recently (before the pandemic).
Esta me encanta, muestro lo que soy, una persona muy ingenua, al fondo se observa la conocida Cinta Costera.
I love this one, I show what I am, a very naive person, in the background you can see the well-known Cinta Costera.
Siempre con la mirada puesta al frente, con ganas de luchar y obtener mis cometidos.
Always with an eye to the front, wanting to fight and achieve my goals.
Me encanta este lugar para sacar fotos, es hermoso, me conecta con la naturaleza y de sonido me distrae el hermoso mar.
I love this place to take photos, it is beautiful, it connects me with nature and the beautiful sea distracts me with sound.
No dejen nunca que alguien o algo les robe su sonrisa, ella es mágica.
Never let someone or something steal your smile, it is magical.
Espero te hayan gustado mis fotografías, coméntame cuál es tu favorita 1, 2, 3 o 4.
I hope you liked my photos, tell me which is your favorite 1, 2, 3 or 4.