I let you go, my love

in GEMS2 months ago



Waves of reproach lash the shore, remnants of a storm that extinguished the flame. The fire that burned in our hearts today is no more than ashes of a truncated passion.

I dreamed of you as a lighthouse in the dark night, a safe harbor for my soul to reach, but dreams fade at dawn and your lights were only mirages of my longings.

With blind hands I erased your defects, creating an ideal that you were not in truth, clinging to the embers of the past, I tried to rekindle embers of happiness already extinguished.

But today I understand that love is not a prison, it is not forced nor is it bound by chains. It is a free bird that flies unbound, if it is oppressed, it only finds death.

That is why I let you go, my exhausted love, to recover my abandoned essence, for the purest and most eternal relationship is the one that unites me to my being in found peace.

Today I sow new seeds of rebirth in the fertile humus of my heart and though the roots of our longing wither, the sweet fruits of love will always endure.