Random Thursday Photographs

in GEMS6 months ago

For a while now, I've wanted to create this type of post, bringing together "random" photos that don't have much in common but each one possess their own unique beauty and story.

In the first photograph, I was at the park when it started to rain heavily, so I had to wait under cover for the downpour to pass. As I was there, this man found himself in the same situation.

Desde hace un tiempo he querido hacer este tipo de publicacion, unir fotos "aleatorias" que no tienen mucho en comun entre ellas pero cada una posee una belleza y historia propia.

Como es el caso de la primera fotografia, en ese momento yo estaba en el parque y empezó a llover muchisimo asi que me toco esperar bajo techo a que esperara de llover y asi como yo, este hombre tambien estaba en la misma situacion.

I took the following photo outside a pharmacy in my city, what caught my attention about this scene was all the shadows of blue that can be seen in the photo, the car combined a lot with the pharmacy.

La siguiente foto la tomé fuera de una farmacia de mi ciudad, lo que me llamó la atencion de esta escena era todos los tipos de azules que se pueden ver en la foto, el carro combinaba muchisimo con la farmacia.

I remember how the next photo came about: I was driving around the city running errands when I suddenly saw a food stall with a ton of lights. What caught my eye was that it had so many bulbs, so I stopped for a moment to take a photo of it.

Then, when I sat down to edit it, I really liked seeing the contrast between the yellow of the store lights and the blue/gray that can be seen in the car's rearview mirror, as if it were two different worlds.

Recuerdo como surgió la siguiente foto: iba manejando por la ciudad haciendo unas cosas y depronto vi un local de comida con muchisimas luces, lo que me llamó la atencion es que tenia demasiados bombillos jajajaja y me detuve un momento a tomarle una foto.

Luego cuando me senté a editarla me gusto muchisimo ver el contraste amarillo de las luces del local con el color azul/gris que se puede ver por el retrovisor del carro, como si se tratase de dos mundos diferentes.

The next photograph was taken one day while I was strolling through a small town in the city. I really liked the old facade of this house, and as I got closer to photograph it, I was surprised to find out that it was an inhabited house and they even sold food!

La siguiente fotografia la tomé un dia mientras estaba de paseo por un pueblito de ciudad, me gustó mucho la fachada antigua de esta casa y al acercarme a fotografiarla me sorprendi al darme cuenta que era una casa habitada y hasta vendian comida!

The next photo was taken one day on a random spot in the city while I was walking around doing street photography. What I liked about this photo is the diagonal line created by the tree in the photo.

La siguiente foto la tomé un dia en un lugar aleatorio de la ciudad mientras caminaba para hacer fotografias callejeras, lo que me gustó de esta foto es la linea diagonal que crea el arbol en la foto.

The next photo is a typical facde of a grocery store in Venezuela. Most of these stores have bananas hanging outside.

La siguiente foto es la fachada tipica de una tienda de viveres en venezuela, la mayoria de estos locales tienen platanos colgando afuera.

I really liked the next photo because the sign says "Bus Stop" and out of nowhere, a public transportation bus pulled up, so I had to take a photo of it really fast.

Then, as I was editing the photo, I was able to analyze it and I realized that all the vegetation in the photo makes it look like we were in a remote place, but we were really in the middle of the city.

La siguiente foto me gustó mucho porque en el letrero se puede leer "Parada de buses" y de la nada un bus del tranporte publico se detuvo asi que tuve que tomarle una foto.

Luego mientras editaba la foto pude analizarla y me di cuenta de que toda la vegetacion en la foto hace parecer como si estuvieramos en un lugar remoto pero realmente estabamos en el medio de la ciudad.

I thought this forest fire fighter's jeep was very beautiful and vintage. It's a shame it's been abandoned.

Este jeep de los bomberos forestales me parecio muy bonito y vintage, es una lastima que lo tengan abandonado.

I like to photograph the tunnels created by trees in the city. The fog in the background gives this photo an interesting atmosphere.

Me gusta fotografiar los tuneles que se crean por los arboles en la ciudad, la neblina al fondo le da una atmosfera interesante a la foto.

I took the next photo because it was a giant rock and it was completely covered in vines and it looked very beautiful.

La siguiente foto la tomé porque era una piedra gigante y estaba totalmente cubierta de enredaderas y se veia muy bonita.

The next photo reminds me of wheat fields even though it was taken in the middle of the city. I guess someone like me would be very happy taking pictures in the countryside.

La siguiente foto me recuerda a los campos de trigo a pesar de haber sido tomada en el medio de la ciudad. Supongo que alguien como yo seria muy feliz tomando fotos en el campo.

The next photo was taken from the window of my apartment. That day there was a very thick fog and i couldn't see anything of the city, it was impressively thick!

La siguiente foto la tomé desde la ventana de mi apartamento, ese dia habia una neblina muy espesa y no se podia ver nada de la ciudad , era impresionantemente espesa!

I am grateful to the HIVE blockchain for giving me the opportunity to show my art with complete freedom of expression.

I hope you enjoyed the photos as much as I did!

Agradezco a la blockchain de HIVE por darme la oportunidad de mostrar mi arte con toda la libertad de expresion.

Espero que a ustedes les hayan gustado las fotos tanto como a mi!