Day 115/365: Rise Brighter & Higher #1

in GEMS2 years ago

Hello Everyone!
Life can be described as the highs and lows of the mountains or a roller coaster ride which is filled with ups and downs. And while we enjoy the ups and downs in the rollercoaster ride and the highs and lows of the mountains, we don’t like this pattern in our daily lives. Right? Why do you think we can’t accept the same rule in our lives? Why are we happy only in good times? During the bad times, if we think that this phase will help us learn many important lessons in life, wouldn’t that help us be happier? Wouldn’t our lives be much easier this way? I believe if we take a positive approach in our lives, we can rise higher and brighter.

With this simple message, here is my today’s art. Hope you like it. Thank you ☺️


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