Hola, Queridos Hiver!
Hello, Dear Hivers!
Este cover es de una canción que me encanta del maravilloso Jonh Lennon, Imagine. Yo siempre imagino, y ustedes? Hoy más que nunca es necesario imaginar un mundo como el que él describe en su canción…
Espero les guste.
This cover is of a song I like very much from the wonderful John Lennon, Imagine. I always imagine, Do you? Today more than ever it is necessary imagine a world like the one he describes in his song…
I hope you like it. @hlezama , @galenkp , @cmplxty , @kenny-crane , @mipiano ...
John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one.
Compositores: John Winston Lennon
Artista: John Lennon
Fecha de lanzamiento: 1971
Géneros: Rock, Pop
Gracias por la visita!
Thanks for stopping by!

I'm gladly surprised you did a cover of this song. This is the best example of what makes a classic a classic. A young singer, 50 years apart finds it in her heart that a song speaks to her in ways that make her want to perform it overnight.
We are always surprised at your "ocurrencias musicales"; not because we doubt your talents, which we obviously don't, but becasue of your versatility and eclectic musical tastes.
It is incredible, though, to see you work for weeks on boring school work and out of the blue come out of your room with a song you did not know how to play just hours before.
That's a beautiful comment, thanks... I don't know what to say. Hehe
About the last paragraph, you say it yourself, school work is boring, music is not! :p
I promise I will finish it soon...
Jejeje... Obvio!
Hiiii! :D I'm so glad to see you back here with another great post and video!
Such nice singing, and playing too. Keep dreaming great things! You're not the only one, I dream and imagine a brighter future too. :)
Hola! Gracias, estoy feliz de volver aquí también.
Hello! Thank you, I'm happy to be back too.
I will always imagine a better world and I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Oye, estas bien? intenté recordar tu usuario para ver alguna novedad y y y no recordaba.
Gracias por volver.
Holaaa... Si, todo bien. Muchas asignaciones escolares:(
Gracias a ti por estar pendiente. :)
valoración de la canción 9.1/10 porque se acaba. jajjaja al repetirla por segunda vez ya es 9.9/10
As always, a great cover and sung with passion! Great song, thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Mr KP. I'm so glad you liked it. It's a pleasure sharing with you all...
I'll take that hug...Was a good one. I'm the worlds best hugger, so I should know. :)
Aquí estás ManuuuuuuJuneeeeeee 🤩
Nos pusiste un poco a la espera? 😁😜
Que buena combinación de ukulele & tu voz y imagine. Lenon sería orgulloso de esta interpetación 😇
Muchísimas gracias por la mención, lo he visto hace unas horas pero iba liada y quería escucharte con tranquilidad!
Un abrazo enorme va hacia ti 🤗🤗🤗
Mipianooo!!! Jejeje Que bueno que te gustó...
Si? Espero que él haya escuchado mi cover desde el cielo.
Muchas gracias a ti por tu apoyo... ABRAZOS!
PD: Qué significa Liada? Jeje
En España se dice que uno va liado cuando no tiene tiempo, o hace muchas cosas a la vez y no llega a tiempo hacer algo.
Así yo iba liada ayer (con muchas cosas para hacer) y no pude escuchar tu publicación enseguida, pero unas horas más tarde sí :D
Besos 😘😘