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RE: How to easily spot hypocrites?

in GEMS5 years ago (edited)

I think it's important you have that knowledge of how to spot hipocrites and share it with others, that way you won't be fooled in the future and those you shared it with may have and idea of how not to be fooled either.

When I was reading this post I remembered that when I was little my mother used to sit me down to explain to me how hypocrites looked like and how I had to stay away from them, because, unfortunatly, I was surrounded by them. She has always taught me to be honest and not to do to others things I wouldn't like to be done to me.

I could never undertand how people could be so full of evil and selfishness and yet be able to hide it.I still can't. I believe that's like a viscious line. If they grow up with hypocritical parents, how are they going to learn something other than that?

It's so sad that there are people like that, because besides tearing themselves apart, they tear others. As a high schooler, I find myself trapped in lie games, manipulation, and bullying, but thank Odin, I have got through it with some help and now I give my best to not be affected by them.

I also believe that hypocricy is more that just a bad behaviour; after some time it becomes a sickness. For example, I've heard that many people can stay hours just talking bullshit about someone else,no mattr the age of the person, they don't enjoy other kinds of conversation; It it doesn't include criticking others, they find it boring...

Do you think hypocrecy is something cultural? I mean, are there some cultures that are more honest than others?


Your mother seemed like a wise woman

The worst thing is some hypocrites are stubborn too because they will never listen to opinion of others and consider only them to be the right.

I believe its a choice and not something cultural. You can choose to be jealous of something and remain in frustrated state or you can do something positive.

Yes, she is, that's why I love her very much...
It's definitly a choice.

You're right: some people are full of evil and selfishness.

Do you think hypocrisy is something cultural?

i think it's about unconsciousness: unconscious people:

  • like to have a high opinion about themselves, so they claim they're good.
  • can't meet the standards they claim because doing good is harder than doing evil. evil is always easy.
  • are fragile, they can't choose what's right, (freedom of choice requires consciousness) so they chose what's easy (evil).
  • continue believing they're good because they're too fragile to admit they're wrong.

How's the lockdown going?

I agree with you, It's true.

It's going well. Thanks for asking.

Our rulers imposed measures for the new normal because of a virus.
i have a curiosity:
What's the proof for the virus?