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Ranked Heroes 3 Online game on Hota lobby. Played as Kyrre (Rampart) vs Galthran (Necropolis) and won because the enemy surrendered.
Jebus King (JK) is a Random Map Template in Heroes 3 where both players have specific number of unit banks on their bioms. It consists of 4 bioms (2 side bioms) and in the middle - desert with great artefacts and thats where usually the final battle takes place. Every zone (biome) has guards you need to defeat to enter it.
Play Heroes 3 Horn of the Abyss:
Heroes 3 Complete: https://www.gog.com/game/heroes_of_might_and_magic_3_complete_edition
HotA and HD Mod: https://www.hota.acidcave.net/download.html
Useful Links:
HotA: https://www.hota.acidcave.net/
H3 GG: https://www.h3.gg/
Online Gaming Rules: http://h3hota.com/en/rules
Jebus King Template: https://hotaseries.pro/template
Thanks for watching, following
Peace out!
Dude I loved Heroes II
This is Heroes 3 tho. I played H2 too but I don't think I has online lobby.
Yeah, and it looks great. I never made it past Heroes 2 though! :)