Hola gente bonita de Hive, esta semana estuve desaparecida ya que estaba de vacaciones por la semana de carnavales, así que con mi familia fuimos a visitar a mi tía en la ciudad de Valencia Carabobo. Como era nuestra primera vez allá visitamos lugares muy bonitos y tomamos muchas fotos, aqui les comparto un poco de lo que hicimos:D
Hello beautiful people of Hive, this week I was missing since I was on vacation for the carnival week, so with my family we went to visit my aunt in the city of Valencia Carabobo. As it was our first time there we visited very nice places and took a lot of pictures, here I share with you a little of what we did :D

Nos fuimos en autobús el viaje desde Maturín hasta Valencia es de 12 horas ya que hace paradas en distintos estados, tomé algunas fotos del viaje en autobús.
We went by bus, the trip from Maturin to Valencia is 12 hours as it makes stops in different states, I took some pictures of the bus trip.

All photos are my own