¡Hola, linda comunidad de Hive!❣️| Hello, beautiful Hive community!❣️
Since I was about nine years old I started to develop quite a lot of body hair, in areas such as legs and abdomen, this is something that has accompanied me all my life so I have learned to live with it, through the years and in my desperation to not have to wax so often, I have tried many styles of hair removal: Shavers, cold wax strips, hot wax, electric epilators and although the truth is these methods work, I always ended up leaving them aside for whatever reason and went back to my traditional razor, but this is something I don't really like because the hair ends up growing fast, sometimes thicker being this a bit annoying for me. So today I'm going to tell you about my super new discovery: depilatory creams.
Quiero admitir que esto parece una mentira de las mas grandes, pero la verdad es que quede sorprendida con los resultados ya que de verdad esto cumple con las cosas que promete, obviamente nada funciona por arte de magia así que me dedique a buscar que es lo que hace este milagro posible y se trata de una combinación de químicos que debilitan el vello hasta romperlo, básicamente es una crema que promete los beneficios de la cera (ya que los vellos tardan en crecer y dependiendo de la marca que uses incluso pueden salir mas delgados) sin ningún tipo de dolor y en 10 minutos, para mi un completo éxito.
I want to admit that this seems like one of the biggest lies, but the truth is that I was surprised with the results because it really delivers what it promises, obviously nothing works by magic so I dedicated myself to look for what makes this miracle possible and it is a combination of chemicals that weaken the hair until it breaks, basically it is a cream that promises the benefits of waxing (since the hairs take time to grow and depending on the brand you use they can even get thinner) without any pain and in 10 minutes, for me a complete success.
Para ser honesta con ustedes la primera prueba la realice hace vaaarios meses con una que conseguí en una farmacia, de la marca “Coramodio” y estaba super entusiasmada de usarla, decía que debía dejarla actuar por 15 minutos pero la verdad tarda mucho más que eso, aproximadamente unos 30 minutos, es bastante efectiva pero tiene en su contra eso, que hay que esperar demasiado para tener un efecto realmente bueno, si la recomiendo y la uso generalmente cuando tengo mucho tiempo disponible, respecto a su precio puedo decir que es bastante accesible y trae 100g que te servirá por algún tiempo.
To be honest with you the first test I did several months ago with one that I got in a pharmacy, the brand "Coramodio" and I was super excited to use it, it said I should leave it on for 15 minutes but the truth is that it takes much longer than that, about 30 minutes, it is quite effective but has that against it, you have to wait too long to have a really good effect, if I recommend it and generally use it when I have much time available, regarding its price I can say that it is quite affordable and brings 100g that will serve you for some time.

Ahora la estrella de este post y la nueva dueña de mi corazón: La crema depiladora de la marca “Lampiña”, es sin lugar a dudas la mejor que he probado hasta ahora, no les miento cuando le digo cuando que el resultado se obtiene en 5 minutos, MAAAAAXIMO 10, pero cumple con absolutas todas sus promesas ¿detalles en particular? Si los tiene, su precio es un poco elevado con respecto a la crema anterior, puesto que tan solo 30g tuvieron un precio de 3$ (la crema anterior costo casi lo mismo o hasta menos). En este caso en presentación de sobre, trae un manual de instrucciones y guantes para la aplicación del producto.
Now the star of this post and the new owner of my heart: The depilatory cream of the brand "Lampiña", is undoubtedly the best I've tried so far, I'm not lying when I tell you that the result is obtained in 5 minutes, MAAAAAAAXIMO 10, but it fulfills all its promises absolutely all particular details? If it has them, its price is a little high compared to the previous cream, since only 30g had a price of 3$ (the previous cream cost almost the same or even less). In this case in presentation of sachet, it comes with an instruction manual and gloves for the application of the product.

Un detalle que tienen todas estas cremas depiladoras es que su olor es bastante particular, huelen un poco feo y es el olor característico de los químicos que se encuentran en la crema. En comparación de estas cremas ambas tienen el mismo efecto, pero mi favorita ya saben cuál es jajaja, así que sin dudas se las recomendaría con los ojos cerrados.
A detail that all these depilatory creams have is that their smell is quite particular, they smell a little ugly and it is the characteristic smell of the chemicals found in the cream. Compared to these creams both have the same effect, but my favorite one is hahaha, so I would definitely recommend them with my eyes closed.
Respecto a su aplicación, no hay nada particular, debemos tener limpia y seca la zona elegida, aplicamos la crema en cantidad generosa y dejamos pasar el tiempo, retiramos con un papel y luego lavamos bien con jabón para retirar restos de la misma, ¡ASÍ DE FÁCIL!
Regarding its application, there is nothing particular, we must have the chosen area clean and dry, we apply the cream in generous quantity and let the time pass, remove with a paper and then wash well with soap to remove traces of it, SO EASY!
Today it made me very happy to share this little information with you, I hope it will be useful for you❤️
Espero que les haya gustado mi post!❣️
I hope you liked my post!❣️
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