Delicious Wet Chocolate Cake!

in GEMS5 years ago


Hello, hello friends of the platform, this time I bring you a sooo rich recipe, which is very fashionable and the best thing is that you do not need an electric mixer just smooth and enveloping movements with a hand mixer or paddle ... And it is the sensational: WET CAKE OF CHOCOLATE


3 cups of flour.
3 eggs
1 cup of cocoa
2 ½ cups of sugar.
1 ½ cup milk, cut with the juice of one lemon.
1 ½ cup of oil.
1 tablespoon of baking soda.
1 teaspoon salt.



Combine the sifted flour with the cocoa, the salt and the bicarbonate. #

In a container with a hand mixer, mix the eggs well, then add the oil and continue beating, then add the milk, beat and add the cocoa and flour mixture with enveloping movements, continue beating until everything is integrated and finally add the sugar and mixing until obtaining a homogeneous consistency (you will notice that adding the sugar makes the mixture more liquid and its tone becomes darker).

paso a paso 1.jpg

paso a paso 2.jpg

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Place the mixture in a greased and floured mold, take to the oven for approximately 30 minutes or when a toothpick is inserted, it comes out completely clean.

And this is the result:


I hope you like it and enjoy it ... bye, bye..