I had a bit of time to spare and I decided to take a walk at Mukkula Manor today morning.
The entrance to the grounds. The main building is a hotel these days. There's also a public beach.
That old warehouse is a cafeteria in summertime.
The pier. Passenger ships stop at the pier during the summer months.
That's a heated dressing room used by winter swimmers.
That mat has cables in it too keep it from freezing and people slipping on their way to the water. A pump keeps the water moving so as to keep it from freezing over here in the winter months.
The pier. The text says swimming is forbidden because it's for the ships.
Islands in the north
I love the golden colors!
The ski jump can be seen from everywhere tens of kilometers away.
A granary
There is boat harbor nearby. The island behind the ships has the main building of the local kayak club on it.
The main building.
There are more hotel rooms in this side building.
The hotel is owned by Vanajanlinna Group that also owns a similar
manor hotel in Hämeenlinna called Vanajanlinna manor.
The building on the right has yet more rooms in it.