Hive we are all, We are going to give each other support, Initiative to meet great authors. * Hive somos todos. Vamos a darnos apoyo, Iniciativa para conocer grandes autores.
Hola Familia * Hello family
hello, hello, As I have mentioned in previous posts, the objective of this initiative is to highlight the publications that are very good, but that the curators somehow overlooked them, I'm really happy to do this, it makes me feel that this way we grow together as a community. Remember to check the tags that are the most suitable for your publication since they are the filter to find the topic you write about, here I am going to share very good publications, I am focused today on the tutorial publications that for the first time I know you have a lot of work and effort! We are going to read and comment on them, we are going to support these great authors, Remember that we are a great community where we all build HIVE together! They are all great authors, please read them, leave them a comment in this way we will grow Together as a Family :) Everything must be cyclical, it is not just to enter and publish, it is to give us support, get to know us, leave a positive comment, leave a council, All together we created this beautiful ecosystem.
I really hope you like it and join this beautiful initiative! All the posts that I share here are because in my opinion they are quality posts that are worth reading and paying due attention to, all of which I have achieved by myself and I love to proudly join the manual healing route :) I will leave the link of each post so that you can read and support them in this way we will make ourselves known and we will create not only a more united community, but a beautiful and great Family
Si quieres saber como comenzo todo puedes leerlo / If you want to know how it all started you can read it AQUI, HERE!
@psyshock He gives us a very educational talk about this plant is quite interesting and enriches us with great knowledge, Current rewards: 0.10 HIVE
@ reymoya95 He shares a very interesting writing that makes us reflect and think a lot about the day to day there is a paragraph that really caught my attention and I share them:> Honesty and principles are yours, happiness is for you. Love what you like to do and work for what you are passionate about, only then will you feel that nothing is as great as it appears. Wise words anyway, do not stop visiting him and reading his publication is very interesting, Current rewards: 0.26 HIVE
@kattycrochet I love too much beauty, you make it look so simple in the explanation! Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such a beautiful and simple way to understand it. Current rewards: 0.01 HIVE
@ mariaced This time he shows us how he has made an Original Moana suit woven by hand, really what a flawless work. My only recommendation is that you be aware of the tags, they are the filter that leads to your publication. Friends Please take a look at her post and don't forget to leave her a nice and positive comment. Current rewards: 0.03 HIVE
<div class="text-justify"@jayoxaju Hermoso trabajo de unos palitos chinos con un tejido de macrame, excelente explicación y su acabado es hermoso :) Amigos Por favor dale un vistazo a su publicación y no olvides dejarle un bello y positivo comentario Recompensas actuales: 0.75 HIVE
<div class = "text-justify" @jayoxaju Beautiful work of some chopsticks with a macrame weave, excellent explanation and its finish is beautiful :) Friends Please take a look at your publication and do not forget to leave a beautiful and positive comment Current rewards: 0.75 HIVE
<div class="text-justify"@aglaide Gran elaboración de un león para decorar es muy original me llama la atención la manera en que lo realizo, paso a paso y reciclando, muy bueno. Mi recomendación es verificar las etiquetas coloca las que etiquetas que tengan que ver con lo que estas publicando recuerda que estas son el filtro para encontrar las publicaciones. Gracias por compartir un hermoso trabajo Amigos Por favor dale un vistazo a su publicación y no olvides dejarle un bello y positivo comentario Recompensas actuales: 0.06 HIVE
<div class = "text-justify" @aglaide Great elaboration of a lion to decorate is very original I am struck by the way I do it, step by step and recycling, very good. My recommendation is to verify the labels, place the labels that have to do with what you are publishing remember that these are the filter to find the publications. Thanks for sharing a beautiful work Friends Please take a look at his post and don't forget to leave him a nice and positive comment Current rewards: 0.06 HIVE
Todos han realizado un excelente trabajo sigan adelante, Sigan creciendo,Quisiera darles un voto mayor a todos solo que mi HP aun es algo bajo sigo trabajando en el! Recuerden estar muy pendientes de las etiquetas que utilizan eso es base importante, todo es cíclico comenten apoyen a sus compañeros! Somos una hermosa comunidad y si nos apoyamos unos a otros seremos una hermosa familia consolidada. Se les quiere
Everyone has done an excellent job, keep going, Keep growing, I would like to give everyone a bigger vote, just that my HP is still somewhat low, I'm still working on it! Remember to be very aware of the labels you use, that is an important basis, everything is cyclical, comment, support your colleagues! We are a beautiful community and if we support each other we will be a beautiful consolidated family. They are loved

¿Deseas ponerte en contacto conmigo? Escríbeme:
Correo electronico: [email protected]
Discord Marleyn#7821
Twitter: @marleynleal1
Imstagran: @MarleynSoutache
want to >contact me? Write me:
Email: [email protected]
Discord Marleyn #7821
Twitter: @marleynleal1 Imstagran: @MarleynSoutache

Buena iniciativa y gracias por la mencion. Verdaderamente que hay trabajo dentro de este post para valorar. Saludos
Muy bonita iniciativa, ya había leído otros de tus post anteriores y me animaste a votar por otros autores no tan populares pero de mucha calidad. Soy nueva en Hive y todavía hay muchas cosas que me desconcierta pero esta es una muy bonita alternativa para apoyarnos y motivarnos entre todos. Hoy me sorprendió de manera positiva que mencionarlas mi post. Gracias por tomarlo en cuenta, lo hice con mucho cariño.
Posted using Dapplr
Oh! gracias por la mención mi bella y el apoyo. Un fuerte abrazo.